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New Phytologist:杨树季节性生长中止的分子调控机理

已有 3835 次阅读 2018-3-15 08:40 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流


GIGANTEA-like genes control seasonal growth cessation in Populus

First author: Jihua Ding; Affiliations: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (瑞典农业科学大学): Umeå, Sweden

Corresponding author: Ove Nilsson

Survival of trees growing in temperate zones (温带) requires cycling between active growth and dormancy (休眠). This involves growth cessation (生长停止) in the autumn triggered by a photoperiod (光周期) shorter than the critical day length (临界日长). Variations in GIGANTEA (GI)-like genes have been associated with phenology (物候) in a range of different tree species, but characterization of the functions of these genes in the process is still lacking. We describe the identification of the Populus orthologs of GI and their critical role in short-day-induced growth cessation. Using ectopic expression (异位表达) and silencing, gene expression analysis, protein interaction and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, we show that PttGIs are likely to act in a complex with PttFKF1s (FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX 1) and PttCDFs (CYCLING DOF FACTOR) to control the expression of PttFT2, the key gene regulating short-day-induced growth cessation in Populus. In contrast to Arabidopsis, in which the GI-CONSTANS (CO)-FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) regulon (调节子) is a crucial day-length sensor for flowering time, our study suggests that, in Populus, PttCO-independent regulation of PttFT2 by PttGI is more important in the photoperiodic control of growth cessation and bud set (驻芽).


通讯Ove Nilsson (https://www.upsc.se/researchers/4643-control-of-flowering-time-and-meristem-identity-ove-nilsson.html#cv-dr-ove-nilsson)




doi: 10.1111/nph.15087

Journal: New Phytologist

Published date: 13 March, 2018

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