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Plant Cell:纳米孔测序技术从头组装番茄基因组

已有 4292 次阅读 2017-10-14 09:12 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

De novo Assembly of a New Solanum pennellii Accession Using Nanopore Sequencing

First author:Maximilian HW Schmidt; Affiliations: RWTH Aachen University (亚琛工业大学): Aachen, Germany

Corresponding author: Bjoern Usadel

Updates in nanopore technology (纳米孔技术) have made it possible to obtain gigabases of sequence data. Prior to (在…之前) this, nanopore sequencing technology was mainly used to analyze microbial samples (微生物样品). Here, we describe the generation of a comprehensive nanopore sequencing dataset with a median read length of 11,979 bp for a self-compatible accession of the wild tomato species Solanum pennellii. We describe the assembly of its genome to a contig N50 of 2.5 MB. The assembly pipeline comprised initial read correction with Canu and assembly with SMARTdenovo. The resulting raw nanopore-based de novo genome is structurally highly similar to that of the reference S. pennellii LA716 accession but has a high error rate and was rich in homopolymer (均聚物) deletions. After polishing (修正) the assembly with Illumina reads, we obtained an error rate of <0.02% when assessed versus the same Illumina data. We obtained a gene completeness of 96.53%, slightly surpassing (优于) that of the reference S. pennellii. Taken together our data indicate that such long read sequencing data can be used to affordably sequence and assemble gigabase-sized plant genomes.

纳米孔技术的更新发展使得获得千兆碱基的测序数据成为可能。在此之前,纳米孔测序技术主要用于微生物样品的测序。本文利用纳米孔测序技术对已有报道基因组的野生番茄Solanum pennellii进行了测序,平均读长为11,979 bp。利用Canu进行原始reads纠错,然后利用SMARTdenovo进行从头组装,最终获得的组装contig N50长2.5 MB。利用纳米孔测序技术最终获得的基因组与之前S. pennellii LA716参考基因组结构上差不多,但错误率较高,且均聚物缺失丰富。作者进一步利用Illumina测序reads对基因组进行矫正,最终的错误率小于0.02%。基因完整性评估值为96.53%,优于S. pennellii的参考基因组。综上,利用纳米孔技术测序获得的长reads可以用来测序、组装以获取千兆级别的植物基因组。

通讯:Bjorn Uradel (http://www.biologie.rwth-aachen.de/cms/Biologie/Fachgruppe/Kontakt-und-Lageplaene/Professoren/Interne-Professoren/~bzvj/Prof-Usadel/?allou=1)



doi: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.17.00521

Journal: the Plant Cell
First Published data: October 12, 2017.

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