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已有 2397 次阅读 2018-12-4 14:41 |个人分类:Scientific Writing|系统分类:教学心得| 科技英语, 写作

如果你的目标是写小说,应该看原版The Elements of Style (免费下载):


为了“完整”性,我们继续用The Elements of Style 不喜欢看英文原著的,凑合着看我的注解。

另外,我会用Google Translate。GT现在还不成熟,你不要拿它当回事。



19. Express coordinate ideas in similar form. 

This principle, that of parallel construction, requires that expressions similar in content and function be outwardly similar. The likeness of form enables the reader to recognize more readily the likeness of content and function. The familiar Beatitudes exemplify the virtue of parallel construction. 

Google Translate:这种并行构造的原则要求内容和功能相似的表达在外观上相似。形式的相似性使读者能够更容易地识别内容和功能的相似性。熟悉的八福集体体现了平行建筑的优点。

注解:并列句型 能使阅读更流畅。

The unskilled writer often violates this principle, mistakenly believing in the value of constantly varying the form of expression. When repeating a statement to emphasize it, the writer may need to vary its form. Otherwise, the writer should follow the principle of parallel construction. 

Google Translate:不熟练的作家经常违反这一原则,错误地认为不断改变表达形式的价值。在重复声明以强调它时,作者可能需要改变其形式。否则,作者应遵循并行建构的原则。



“不对称”:Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed. 

“对称”:Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method. (句子显得比较“顺”。)


The [first] version gives the impression that the writer is undecided or timid, apparently unable or afraid to choose one form of expression and hold to it. The [second] version shows that the writer has at least made a choice and abided by it.

Google Translate:[第一]版本给人的印象是作者未定或胆怯,显然无法或害怕选择一种形式的表达并持有它。[第二]版本表明作者至少做出了选择并遵守了它。

By this principle, an article or a preposition applying to all the members of a series must either be used only before the first term or else be repeated before each term. 

Google Translate:根据这一原则,适用于一系列所有成员的文章或介词必须仅在第一个学期之前使用,或者在每个学期之前重复。



错:in spring, summer, or in winter 

对:in spring, summer, or winter

       或者 in spring, in summer, or in winter


注解:错句在于没有用对in (少了一个, 或多了一个)。


Some words require a particular preposition in certain idiomatic uses. When such words are joined in a compound construction, all the appropriate prepositions must be included, unless they are the same. 

Google Translate:某些词语在某些习惯用法中需要特定的介词。当这些单词以复合结构连接时,必须包括所有适当的介词,除非它们是相同的。



错:His speech was marked by disagreement and scorn for his opponent's position. 

对:His speech was marked by disagreement with and scorn for his opponent's position. (注意:disagreement 后面得跟with)


Correlative expressions (both, and; not, but; not only, but also; either, or; first, second, third; and the like) should be followed by the same grammatical construction. Many violations of this rule can be corrected by rearranging the sentence. 

Google Translate:相关表达式(两者,和;不,但;不仅,但也;或者;或者;第一,第二,第三;等等)应该遵循相同的语法结构。通过重新排列句子可以纠正许多违反此规则的行为。

注解:both, and; not, but; not only, but also; either, or; first, second, third; and the like 时,需要注意“排列”。


病句:It was both a long ceremony and very tedious. 

修改后:The ceremony was both long and tedious. 


病句:A time not for words but action. 

修改后:A time not for words but for action. 


病句:Either you must grant his request or incur his ill will. 

修改后:You must either grant his request or incur his ill will. 





1.    语态(1)

2.    常用时态

3.    一些标点符号“规则”(句号、逗号,参考The Elements of StylePart I)

4.    一些语法“规则”(主语、谓语的一致性、变化多端的代词、分词短语的主人,参考The Elements of Style  Part I

5.    一些基本的写作“原则”(文章结构、段落、语态、简洁性等,参考The Elements of Style

6.    修改、修改、再修改[简洁为上, see Chapter 7 Concision by Joseph/三种修饰语+两种“问题修饰语”,即悬空修饰语(p161)、错位修饰语/, see Chapter 8 Length by Joseph/逻辑性/一致性]



上一篇:科技英语写作基础(系列):简洁 (2,updated)
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