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“这不是演习!”弹道导弹警报惊动了夏威夷(带 翻译狗 上路)

已有 3456 次阅读 2018-1-14 05:58 |个人分类:From the U.S.|系统分类:海外观察| Google Traslate, not a drill

Author's note: Google Translate, this is NOT a DRILL!

作者注解:咕🐶,这个drill不是 钻头!

'This Is Not A Drill': A False Ballistic Missile AlertShakes Hawaii

GT: “这不是一个钻头”:一个虚假的弹道导弹警报震动夏威夷 
Mine: “这不是演习!”:一个虚假的弹道导弹警报惊动了夏威夷

Hawaii residents and tourists alike were shaken shortly after8:00 a.m. HST when a push notification alerted those in the state of islands toa false missile threat, causing an immediate panic.

"BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATESHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL," read the message, which also blared acrossHawaiian televisions stations.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-HI, confirmed the false alarm on Twitter12 minutes after the errant message was sent. It took about 38 minutes foranother push notification to arrive on smartphones declaring there was no realdanger.

GT: 夏威夷居民和游客都在上午8点之后不久就发生了动摇,当时一个推送通知提醒那些处于岛屿状态的人对导弹造成威胁,造成了立即的恐慌。
在发送错误消息12分钟后,众议员Tulsi GabbardD-HI证实了Twitter上的虚惊。大约需要38分钟时间才能通过智能手机发送推送通知,宣布没有真正的危险。

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