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已有 7078 次阅读 2012-5-14 21:12 |个人分类:物理八卦|系统分类:博客资讯| 科学, 舞蹈, CERN

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今天的Interactions News是舞蹈家吉勒·若班入驻欧州核子研究中心(CERN)。他将在欧核中心呆三个月。“看看吉勒·若班如何通过舞蹈与运动来探索粒子物理将是非常引人入胜的。”欧核中心的常务主任罗尔夫·贺尔说。
 新华社日内瓦3月29日专电(记者吴陈 刘洋)欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)29日向瑞士著名现代舞蹈家、编舞家吉勒·若班颁发“碰撞在CERN-日内瓦”大奖,以表彰他提出的一项通过干预和舞蹈来研究精神和身体之间关系的提案。







Interactions NewsWire #39-12
14 May 2011
Source: CERN
Content: Press Release
Date Issued: 14 May 2011

CERN welcomes its first choreographer in residence

Geneva, 14 May 2012. Space, time and gravity are under the cultural
spotlight at CERN* this month with the arrival of Gilles Jobin, the
laboratory's first choreographer in residence and winner of the
Collide@CERN Geneva** prize, which is supported by the Canton and City of
Geneva. Jobin is an internationally renowned Swiss choreographer with a
company in Geneva. His CERN inspiration partner for his three-month
residency at the laboratory will be the multimedia producer and
visualization specialist, João Pequenão, who studied physics at the
University of Lisbon.

To mark the occasion, Gilles Jobin et João Pequenão will give a public
presentation in CERN's Globe of Science and Innovation on Wednesday 23 May
about movement in dance and particle physics. Doors open at 6.30 pm with a
prompt 7 pm start.

"It will be fascinating to see how Gilles Jobin explores particle physics
through dance and movement following creative dialogues with CERN
scientists and science," said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer.

The Collide@CERN Geneva prize is the second strand in the Collide@CERN
Artists Residency programme launched by CERN in 2011. Jobin was given the
award by a jury for his proposal to explore through dance the relationship
between mind and body at the world's largest particle physics laboratory.

"The opportunity to be in contact with what is the largest scientific
experiment in the world in my own city is extraordinarily fascinating as
well as intellectually challenging," said Jobin. "Passion is what we share
and a choreographer deals with time and space while CERN scientists deal
with movement and space at sub atomic levels. Conceptually, for a
choreographer to realize that gravity, the major force I am dealing with
every day, is the weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature is mind

At the 23 May presentation, Jobin and Pequenão will make individual
presentations of their work and then discuss the potential of their
forthcoming creative collisions at CERN. CERN's cultural specialist Ariane
Koek will chair the discussion and take questions from the audience.

"Both Gilles and João have cross over connections which is what makes
their partnership so exciting," said Koek. "They are both experts in the
visualization of abstract ideas through movement - Gilles does this
through dance, João does this through multimedia representations of the
complexity of particle physics."

During the residency, the public will be able to follow and comment on the
experience and interchanges through a blog on the Arts@CERN website
featuring their exchanges. During his residency, Jobin will appear at the
City of Geneva's Nuit de la Science on 7 and 8 July, and give a final
lecture after the end of his residency in October.

Journalists interested in attending the presentation on 23 May should
register with the CERN Press Office by sending a request to

Members of the public, including CERN personnel, who wish to attend should
register their requests for seats with

CERN press office,
+41 22 767 34 32
+41 22 767 21 41

Ariane Koek,
Cultural specialist, CERN
+41 22 767 52 46

Further information:
Collide@CERN website

Follow CERN at:

Notes for editors:
Gilles Jobin (CH) is the winner of the first Collide@CERN Geneva residency
award. With an international reputation as a choreographer, early works A
+ B=X (1997) and The Moebius Strip (2000) were hailed as contemporary
dance masterpieces. Apart from his own dance productions, which include
the recently acclaimed Spider Galaxies, Gilles Jobin has made his company
and Studio 44 a pioneering place, offering professional training for
dancers and stimulating international exchange by means of various
initiatives. Jobin's website.

João Pequenão (Portugal) is a specialist in scientific visualization. He
studied physics at the University of Lisbon, becoming increasingly
interested in the multimedia possibilities and potential of communicating
the science of particle physics through imaginative and digital means.

* CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the world's
leading laboratory for particle physics. It has its headquarters in
Geneva. At present, its Member States are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy,
the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Romania is a candidate for accession.
Israel and Serbia are Associate Members in the pre-stage to Membership.
India, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America,
Turkey, the European Commission and UNESCO have Observer status.

** Collide@CERN-Geneva is the second strand of the three-year Collide@CERN
Artists Residency programme initiated by CERN in 2011. The Geneva award
is jointly funded by the Canton and City of Geneva and is open to artists
who were born, live or work in the Geneva area. It is conceived of as a
celebration of Geneva's unique role in the creation of CERN in 1952, and
highlights Geneva's role in both the arts and science. This year
Collide@CERN-Geneva is awarded in Dance and Performance, and comprises a
three-month residency based at the laboratory, with 15,000CHF stipend to
the artist and 15,000CHF in development costs.

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