


已有 3824 次阅读 2016-6-29 09:12 |个人分类:感悟|系统分类:生活其它






看到中国店有冰冻龙利鱼片卖,很便宜 2.59/lb,试试买了,没有鱼刺,味道不错,做菜很好。以为发现新大陆。。。因为龙利是海鱼,心想即使是国产的,估计也问题不大。。。

谁知道大错特错,其实根本不是龙利,是BASA fish,淡水鱼。产于越南湄公河下游高度污染地区。下面图片·和文章大家认真读一下。因为BASA fish super cheap,目前中餐馆的鱼菜(糟溜鱼片,水煮鱼,酸菜鱼之类)基本都是BASA fish,不信下次吃,品尝时小心在意,您就一定知道了。当然先尝一下中国店所谓冰冻龙利鱼片,然后可以比较。



这种 BASA FISH FILLET, 不但中国店有卖, 越南店,wal-mart 也有卖,您比较一下就知道中国店冰冻龙利 鱼片就是 BASA FISH FILLET。

我发现后,google 了,才发现这个可怕的问题。


前阵子就有人贴过了, 说是吃屎长大的鱼.



Cause of Death: Consumption of Basa Fish

This article is written a Guest Blogger Kimberly Truong. Kimberly is currently an English graduate student at Cal State Fullerton.

Is it possible that the after-school fish stick snacks you have been feeding your child could possibly be contaminated with deadly metals such as mercury?! Unfortunately, the answer is YES. The dangers of consuming too much fish are usually paired with the not-so-rare disease hydrargyria (better known as mercury poisoning) but now it seems that there’s a new danger to this delicious after-school snack and ambient dinner main course.

A popular frozen fish product imported from Vietnam called basa fish just made the “Do Not Consume” list. Basa fish (known in the UK as Vietnamese river cobbler) is a type of catfish that is farmed in pens along the Mekong River. Basa fish is known for its mild taste and flaky white meat and is becoming the preferred type of fish among consumers because of its “cleaner” and almost bland taste compared to other types of farm-raised fish.

Consumers in The United States were introduced to basa fish in 1994 after the trade embargo with Vietnam was finally lifted. It was not a popular choice at first, but now it is a great competition for domestic catfish farmers. This is because basa fish is cheaper than catfish, has similar taste, and the quality of it is not any less. The quick rise in the basa fish’s popularity created the “Catfish War” in The United States.

A few years after the spike in popularity of basa fish, scientists discovered the danger of its consumption. Basa fish are farmed along the Mekong River—one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Large manufacturers planted along this river frequently dump extremely toxic and dangerous chemicals and industrial waste directly into it. In June of 2001, the US Food and Drug Administration imposed increased and more thorough testing on Southeast Asian farm-raised seafood including the basa fish after repeatedly discovering fish contaminated with heavy metals and banned antibiotics.

In March 2007, The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service surveyed 100 fish from this river and detected 14 antimicrobial chemicals at low levels, including sulphonamides, tetracyclines, malachite green, penicillin, quinolones, flouroquinolones and phenicols antimicrobial chemical groups. Regarding these findings, Peter Collignon, director of microbiology and infectious diseases at the Australian National University medical school reports that “this means [that] antibiotics were used in the production of those fish.

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