巴西数论家Paulo Ribenboim在Fermat's last theorem for amateurs的开头,为读者写了半页“声明”,很有意思。他强烈感到,应该把个人证明费马大定理(FLT)的权利写进宪法的人权章节(It should be written in the Constitution of States and Nations, in the Chapter of Human Rights):提出自己的FLT证明是每个人不可剥夺的权利(It is an inalienable right of each individual to produce his or her own proof of Fermat’s last theorem)。
Art.1. No attempted proof of THE theorem should ever duplicate a previous one.
Art.2. It is a criminal offense to submit false proofs of THE theorem to professors who arduously earn their living by teaching how not to conceive false proofs of THE theorem.
Paulo最后说,违背第二条的人将直接进地狱,只有等他学会了Wiles的证明才能重回天堂(Infringement of the latter, leads directly to Hell. Return to Paradise only after the said criminal has understood and is able to reproduce Wiles’ proof)——这也许是天下最酷的惩罚了(Harsh punishment),比约翰逊博士罚人去编字典要痛苦而有趣得多。
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