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已有 3215 次阅读 2014-2-18 08:54 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:教学心得




   偶然在一个英文问答网(http://english.stackexchange.com/)上看到一个问题,提问者觉得"the best tool that reachesevery corner of the world"不好,但不知该怎么改:


I'm doing some proofreading of a textwritten by a non-native English speaker regarding a project. This text is inthe project's mission statement, saying they want to create a tool that will beused globally, especially in underdeveloped countries.

I don't like this sentence, I think"the best tool that reaches every corner of the world" sounds translated.


这句话确实有点儿像翻译的——不知“母文”是什么,但感觉有在政界流行的中文的味道。但那句话又没什么表达的问题。问题在哪儿呢?有个回答很好:应该说具体。(You used these words to explain it to us; and they came so naturallyto you, you didn't even notice. So go ahead and use these exact words toexplain it to others.


问题不在best,而在tool。什么tool?它等于什么也没说。It is as vague as onecould possibly get. It means nothing at all. A hammer is a tool; so is a car;so is a Java applet. So change it into something specific. If it is ahammer, say just that: "the best hammer that will be used globally".


类似的句子常在同学的英文作品里看到,都感染了空虚的中国式公文的特色。其实改起来很容易,就是说具体。Change it into something specific. 如果一句话写不出具体的东西来,那就说明没有东西,也就用不着写了。





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