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EndNote X4 发布

已有 6312 次阅读 2010-6-16 12:45 |个人分类:文献管理|系统分类:博客资讯

EndNoteX4 终于发布了,新功能好像不是太多。


quick edit功能也是新加的,这些功能好像都不如NoteExpress


Import and search records from PDFs
EndNote expands its PDF management from finding full text automatically and attaching PDFs to existing records with drag-and-drop to now importing a single PDF file or a folder of PDF files. EndNote X4 extracts basic bibliographic information using the Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and CrossRef® data to create new records in a reference library. Users can also extend their retrieval results beyond reference data by searching attached PDF files.

Use new Cite While You Write features
EndNote X4 is compatible with Microsoft® Word 2010 and introduces new formatting options for citing scholarly papers properly. EndNote links in-text citations to the bibliography automatically in Microsoft Word—with or without hyperlinks. Users also have increased options for formatting footnotes with customizable short forms as well as full support of the APA 6th style including a multiple author ellipse. The new combined Edit and Manage Citations command consolidates the most frequently used functions in one Cite While You Write window. And, users can view a report of references cited in a Word document with a new auto-group in the EndNote library.

Collaborate more with EndNote Web
Every EndNote user receives their own EndNote Web account for collaborating with others and accessing references when away from the desktop. Users can now transfer up to10,000 references between the Web and desktop, and search shared groups when selecting references to cite. Reference lists can be sorted by Times Cited, date added to the library or date modified to locate references quickly. EndNote Web makes it easy to manage a personal publication list for the free ResearcherID author community. References stored in the EndNote Web group are visible instantly in the public community that enables users to eliminate author misidentification and review personal citation metrics from the Web of Knowledge.

Other features of the upgrade include:

  • Create new groups by comparing, combining and suppressing existing groups.
  • Modify references easily in the new Quick Edit tab on the main library window.
  • Edit references when comparing duplicates.
  • Expand library retrieval results by adding wildcards within search terms.
  • Cite While You Write in over 4,500 journal styles


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