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[转载]Whatever (摘自女儿的日志)

已有 4525 次阅读 2010-10-16 23:48 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它| 生活, 感悟 |文章来源:转载

I've been in USA for two whole months. Life here is so different. There's a lot to complain. I'm always alone. Start a conversation is really hard. I keep gaining weight while can't help eating. I had felt guilty to my friends and had yelled to my roomie. Job is tiring and some guests just acted like a fucking bitch.


But I would NEVER say I am unhappy.


C'est la vie. Life is still moving on though sometimes we hate to change. It's all about suffering and striving.


So...if, I said if, somebody won't enjoy herself, no matter when and where, or who's there, then maybe that's not others' fault. I love my life now because I take the present moment as a present.


That's it.


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