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已有 4120 次阅读 2009-12-20 12:52 |个人分类:学海拾贝|系统分类:科研笔记| 阅读, 本体, 科学出版, LIS

图谋按:《Science》2009年8月14日刊登了一篇评论《策略性阅读、本体与科学出版的未来》。作者为伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校图情(LIS)研究生院Allen H. Renear和Carole L. Palmer。特此摘译该文摘要及“2019年科学家们将怎样使用文献?”部分,供参考。感谢caveman (Jason Zou) 先生提供原文!

译自:Allen H. Renear, et al. Strategic Reading, Ontologies, and the Future of Scientific Publishing.Science 325,828(2009).DOI:10.1126/Science.1157784
(作者信息:Allen H. Renear and Carole L. Palmer,Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship,Graduate School of Library and Information Science,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,CHampaign,IL 61820,USA)

The revolution in scientific publishing that has been promised since the 1980s is about to take place. Scientists have always read strategically, working with many articles simultaneously to
search, filter, scan, link, annotate, and analyze fragments of content. An observed recent increase in strategic reading in the online environment will soon be further intensified by two current
trends: (i) the widespread use of digital indexing, retrieval, and navigation resources and (ii) the emergence within many scientific disciplines of interoperable ontologies. Accelerated and enhanced by reading tools that take advantage of ontologies, reading practices will become even more rapid and indirect, transforming the ways in which scientists engage the literature and shaping the evolution of scientific publishing.

原文:How Will Scientists Work with the Literature in 2019?

Scientists will still read narrative prose, even as text mining and automated processing become common; however, these reading practices will become increasingly strategic, supported by enhanced literature and ontology-aware tools. Aspart of the publishing workflow, scientific terminology will be indexed routinely against rich ontologies. More importantly, formalized assertions, perhaps maintained in specialized “structured abstracts”, will provide indexing and browsing tools with computational access to causal and ontological relationships. Hypertext linking will be extensive, generated both automatically and by readers providing commentary on blogs and through shared annotation databases. At the same time, more tools for enhanced searching,scanning, and analyzing will appear and exploit the increasingly rich layer of indexing, linking, and annotation information.

There are no technical obstacles to this trajectory, and it is already under way. The changes,as always, will be incremental: Scientists, who today already make extensive use of existing indexing and retrieval services, will encounter a steady stream of new enhancements and adopt those that allow rapid and productive engagement with the literature. The new functionality will sometimes be provided as part of the application interface (new features in PubMed, for instance) or as shared external tools that users can add to their Web browsers. These developments chart a middle course between the already obsolete activity of finding an article to read on the one hand, and the narrower objectives of text mining on the other, responding directly to the entrenched necessity and value of strategic reading in the daily work of today’s scientists.


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