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已有 5411 次阅读 2020-1-10 21:09 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察| 秀丽隐杆线虫, 衰老, 协同作用




沙漠山岛生物实验室Mount Desert Island Biological LaboratoryMDI Biological Laboratory202019日提供的消息,MDI生物实验室的科学家与美国加州诺瓦托的巴克衰老研究所(Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato, Calif.)和中国南京大学的科学家合作,确定了长寿的协同细胞途径,该途径可将在老化研究中用作模型的线虫(C. elegans)寿命延长五倍。相关研究结果2019年7月23日在《细胞报告》( Cell Reports )杂志发表——Jianfeng Lan Jarod A. Rollins Xiao ZangDi WuLina ZouZi WangChang YeZixing WuPankaj Kapahi Aric N. RogersDi Chen. Translational Regulation of Non-autonomous Mitochondrial Stress Response Promotes Longevity. Cell Reports (2019,open access). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.06.078


Jarod A. Rollins of the MDI Biological Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, is a lead author of a recent scientific paper that identifies synergistic cellular pathways for longevity that amplify lifespan fivefold in C. elegans, a nematode worm used as a model in aging research. The increase in lifespan would be the equivalent of a human living for 400 or 500 years. The discovery of the synergistic effect opens the door to new, more effective anti-aging therapies. Credit: MDI Biological Laboratory

位于缅因州巴港(Bar Harbor, Maine)的MDI生物实验室(MDI Biological Laboratory)的Jarod A. Rollins是最近发表的科学论文的主要作者,该论文鉴定了长寿的协同细胞途径,该途径可将秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans)的寿命延长五倍,该线虫是衰老研究的模型。寿命的增加相当于人类生活400年或500年。协同作用的发现为新的,更有效的抗衰老疗法打开了大门。



这项新的研究使用了双重突变体,其中胰岛素信号传导(insulin/insulin-like signaling简称IIS)TOR(target of rapamycin)途径已经过遗传改变。由于IIS途径的改变可延长寿命100%,而TOR途径的改变则可延长30%,因此预计双突变体的寿命将延长130%。但是,它的寿命却增加了500%。

MDI生物学实验室总裁Hermann Haller说:尽管在秀丽隐杆线虫中发现了控制衰老的细胞途径,但这些途径如何相互作用尚不清楚。” “通过帮助表征这些相互作用,我们的科学家为急需的疗法铺平了道路,以增加快速老龄化人口的健康寿命。

此研究成果的作者包括MDI生物实验室的Jarod A. Rollins博士和Aric N. Rogers博士。

MDI生物实验室的Jarod A. Rollins和南京大学兰剑锋(Jianfeng Lan音译)博士二人都是第一作者。Jarod A. Rollins说:这种协同作用的扩展确实是疯狂的。” “效果不是一加一等于二,而是一加一等于五。我们的发现表明,自然界中没有任何东西存在;要开发出最有效的抗衰老疗法,我们必须考虑长寿网络,而不是个别途径。

巴克衰老研究所的Pankaj Kapahi博士认为,协同相互作用的发现可能导致使用联合疗法,每种疗法影响不同的途径,从而延长人类健康寿命,就像使用联合疗法治疗癌症和艾滋病毒一样。巴克研究所表示。Pankaj KapahiAric N. Rogers以及Di Chen3人都是该论文的通讯作者。


本文着重研究线粒体中寿命的调节方式,线粒体是细胞中负责能量稳态的细胞器。在过去的十年中,越来越多的证据表明线粒体失调与衰老之间存在因果关系。Jarod A. Rollins的未来研究将集中于进一步阐明线粒体在衰老中的作用。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。

Scientists are decoding the genetic mechanisms of aging


  • 1)Longevity of daf-2 rsks-1 is mediated by translational repression of cyc-2.1

  • 2)Germline inhibition of cyc-2.1 activates intestinal UPRmt and AMPK to extend lifespan

  • 3)Increased GLD-1 represses germline cyc-2.1 translation in the daf-2 rsks-1 mutant

  • 4)Translational regulation of cyc-2.1 and UPRmt contribute to longevity of daf-2 rsks-1


Reduced mRNA translation delays aging, but the underlying mechanisms remain underexplored. Mutations in both DAF-2 (IGF-1 receptor) and RSKS-1 (ribosomal S6 kinase/S6K) cause synergistic lifespan extension in C. elegans. To understand the roles of translational regulation in this process, we performed polysomal profiling and identified translationally regulated ribosomal and cytochrome c (CYC-2.1) genes as key mediators of longevity. cyc-2.1 knockdown significantly extends lifespan by activating the intestinal mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt), mitochondrial fission, and AMP-activated kinase (AMPK). The germline serves as the key tissue for cyc-2.1 to regulate lifespan, and germline-specific cyc-2.1 knockdown non-autonomously activates intestinal UPRmt and AMPK. Furthermore, the RNA-binding protein GLD-1-mediated translational repression of cyc-2.1 in the germline is important for the non-autonomous activation of UPRmt and synergistic longevity of the daf-2 rsks-1 mutant. Altogether, these results illustrate a translationally regulated non-autonomous mitochondrial stress response mechanism in the modulation of lifespan by insulin-like signaling and S6K.


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