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已有 4287 次阅读 2018-7-5 10:24 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事| 吴年强, 浙江大学, 西维吉尼亚大学, 高引论文



1) 吴年强教授简介

1997年,吴年强在浙江大学获得材料科学与工程博士学位。1999-2001年,在美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)任博士后研究员。2001-2005年在美国西北大学执导了凯克表面科学中心(Keck Surface Science Center at Northwestern University in USA)。2005年,他加入了西维吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University, 被聘为助理教授,2010年晋升为副教授,于2014年成为全职教授。目前是美国西维吉尼亚大学机械和航空工程系的教授。

吴年强博士是电化学学会(Fellow of the Electrochemical Society, FECS)会士,也是皇家化学学会(Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC)会士。他获得了贝尼登杰出学者奖( Benedum Distinguished Scholar Award )和爱丽丝·汉密尔顿卓越职业安全与健康奖(Alice Hamilton Award for Excellence in Occupational Safety & Health)。他是WVU Statler学院杰出研究员奖( WVU Statler College Outst anding Researcher Award)的获得者。





他的研究是由美国国家科学基金会(NSF)、美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)、国防部(DOD)、能源部(DOE)和其他资助机构资助。他已撰写或与他人合作发表论著近300篇,而且著有1本《基于纳米材料和纳米器件的生物传感器》专著。他的论文在2016年的一年里被引用了超过2400次,在他的职业生涯中总共获得了14 000次的记录。其研究成果累计被引用超过1.57万次,H指数为61. 



TitleCited byYear
Stable aqueous dispersions of graphitic nanoplatelets via the reduction of exfoliated graphite oxide in the presence of poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate)

S Stankovich, RD Piner, X Chen, N Wu, SBT Nguyen, RS Ruoff

Journal of Materials Chemistry 16 (2), 155-158, 2006

Nanostructured carbon–metal oxide composite electrodes for supercapacitors: a review

M Zhi, C Xiang, J Li, M Li, N Wu

Nanoscale 5 (1), 72-88, 2013

Origin of photocatalytic activity of nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanobelts

J Wang, DN Tafen, JP Lewis, Z Hong, A Manivannan, M Zhi, M Li, N Wu

Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (34), 12290-12297, 2009

Interaction of fatty acid monolayers with cobalt nanoparticles

N Wu, L Fu, M Su, M Aslam, KC Wong, VP Dravid

Nano letters 4 (2), 383-386, 2004

Photocatalytic activity enhanced by plasmonic resonant energy transfer from metal to semiconductor

SK Cushing, J Li, F Meng, TR Senty, S Suri, M Zhi, M Li, AD Bristow, N Wu

Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (36), 15033-15041, 2012

Shape-enhanced photocatalytic activity of single-crystalline anatase TiO2 (101) nanobelts

N Wu, J Wang, DN Tafen, H Wang, JG Zheng, JP Lewis, X Liu, ...

Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (19), 6679-6685, 2010

Mouse pulmonary dose-and time course-responses induced by exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes

DW Porter, AF Hubbs, RR Mercer, N Wu, MG Wolfarth, K Sriram, ...

Toxicology 269 (2-3), 136-147, 2010

Solar hydrogen generation by nanoscale p–n junction of p-type molybdenum disulfide/n-type nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide

F Meng, J Li, SK Cushing, M Zhi, N Wu

Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (28), 10286-10289, 2013

Semiconductor-based photocatalysts and photoelectrochemical cells for solar fuel generation: a review

J Li, N Wu

Catalysis Science & Technology 5 (3), 1360-1384, 2015

Ag@ Cu2O core-shell nanoparticles as visible-light plasmonic photocatalysts

J Li, SK Cushing, J Bright, F Meng, TR Senty, P Zheng, AD Bristow, N Wu

Acs Catalysis 3 (1), 47-51, 2012

Solar hydrogen generation by a CdS-Au-TiO2 sandwich nanorod array enhanced with Au nanoparticle as electron relay and plasmonic photosensitizer

J Li, SK Cushing, P Zheng, T Senty, F Meng, AD Bristow, A Manivannan, ...

Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (23), 8438-8449, 2014

A reduced graphene oxide/Co3O4 composite for supercapacitor electrode

C Xiang, M Li, M Zhi, A Manivannan, N Wu

Journal of Power Sources 226, 65-70, 2013

Particle length-dependent titanium dioxide nanomaterials toxicity and bioactivity

RF Hamilton, N Wu, D Porter, M Buford, M Wolfarth, A Holian

Particle and fibre toxicology 6 (1), 35, 2009

Plasmon-enhanced optical sensors: a review

M Li, SK Cushing, N Wu

Analyst 140 (2), 386-406, 2015

Single-crystalline Ni (OH) 2 and NiO nanoplatelet arrays as supercapacitor electrodes

J Li, W Zhao, F Huang, A Manivannan, N Wu

Nanoscale 3 (12), 5103-5109, 2011

Plasmon-induced photonic and energy-transfer enhancement of solar water splitting by a hematite nanorod array

J Li, SK Cushing, P Zheng, F Meng, D Chu, N Wu

Nature communications 4, 2651, 2013

Detection of mercury (II) by quantum dot/DNA/gold nanoparticle ensemble based nanosensor via nanometal surface energy transfer

M Li, Q Wang, X Shi, LA Hornak, N Wu

Analytical chemistry 83 (18), 7061-7065, 2011

Crystalline boron nanoribbons: synthesis and characterization

TT Xu, JG Zheng, N Wu, AW Nicholls, JR Roth, DA Dikin, RS Ruoff

Nano Letters 4 (5), 963-968, 2004

Origin of strong excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence of graphene oxide

SK Cushing, M Li, F Huang, N Wu

ACS nano 8 (1), 1002-1013, 2013

Highly conductive electrospun carbon nanofiber/MnO2 coaxial nano-cables for high energy and power density supercapacitors

M Zhi, A Manivannan, F Meng, N Wu

Journal of Power Sources 208, 345-353, 2012

Effects of coal syngas impurities on anodes of solid oxide fuel cells

FN Cayan, M Zhi, SR Pakalapati, I Celik, N Wu, R Gemmen

Journal of Power Sources 185 (2), 595-602, 2008

Plasmon-induced resonance energy transfer for solar energy conversion

J Li, SK Cushing, F Meng, TR Senty, AD Bristow, N Wu

Nature Photonics 9 (9), 601, 2015

Three-dimensional hierarchical plasmonic nano-architecture enhanced surface-enhanced Raman scattering immunosensor for cancer biomarker detection in blood...

M Li, SK Cushing, J Zhang, S Suri, R Evans, WP Petros, LF Gibson, D Ma, ...

ACS nano 7 (6), 4967-4976, 2013

Nanostructured sensors for detection of heavy metals: a review

M Li, H Gou, I Al-Ogaidi, N Wu

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 1 (7), 713-723, 2013

Size-dependent energy transfer between CdSe/ZnS quantum dots and gold nanoparticles

M Li, SK Cushing, Q Wang, X Shi, LA Hornak, Z Hong, N Wu

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (17), 2125-2129, 2011

Photocatalytic water oxidation by hematite/reduced graphene oxide composites

F Meng, J Li, SK Cushing, J Bright, M Zhi, JD Rowley, Z Hong, ...

Acs Catalysis 3 (4), 746-751, 2013

Effects of pore structure on performance of an activated-carbon supercapacitor electrode recycled from scrap waste tires

M Zhi, F Yang, F Meng, M Li, A Manivannan, N Wu

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2 (7), 1592-1598, 2014

Acute pulmonary dose–responses to inhaled multi-walled carbon nanotubes

DW Porter, AF Hubbs, BT Chen, W McKinney, RR Mercer, MG Wolfarth, ...

Nanotoxicology 7 (7), 1179-1194, 2012

Detection of adenosine triphosphate with an aptamer biosensor based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering

M Li, J Zhang, S Suri, LJ Sooter, D Ma, N Wu

Analytical chemistry 84 (6), 2837-2842, 2012

Visible light photocatalytic activity of nitrogen-doped La 2 Ti 2 O 7 nanosheets originating from band gap narrowing

F Meng, Z Hong, J Arndt, M Li, M Zhi, F Yang, N Wu

Nano Research 5 (3), 213-221, 2012

Fluorescent aptamer-functionalized graphene oxide biosensor for label-free detection of mercury (II)

M Li, X Zhou, W Ding, S Guo, N Wu

Biosensors and Bioelectronics 41, 889-893, 2013

Photoelectrochemical performance enhanced by a nickel oxide–hematite p–n junction photoanode

J Li, F Meng, S Suri, W Ding, F Huang, N Wu

Chemical Communications 48 (66), 8213-8215, 2012

Direct evidence of oxidized gold on supported gold catalysts

L Fu, NQ Wu, JH Yang, F Qu, DL Johnson, MC Kung, HH Kung, VP Dravid

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (9), 3704-3706, 2005

Interlaboratory evaluation of in vitro cytotoxicity and inflammatory responses to engineered nanomaterials: the NIEHS Nano GO Consortium

T Xia, RF Hamilton Jr, JC Bonner, ED Crandall, A Elder, F Fazlollahi, ...

Environmental health perspectives 121 (6), 683, 2013

Detection of lead (II) with a “turn-on” fluorescent biosensor based on energy transfer from CdSe/ZnS quantum dots to graphene oxide

M Li, X Zhou, S Guo, N Wu

Biosensors and Bioelectronics 43, 69-74, 2013

Fingerprinting photoluminescence of functional groups in graphene oxide

M Li, SK Cushing, X Zhou, S Guo, N Wu

Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (44), 23374-23379, 2012

Adsorption and desorption of stearic acid self-assembled monolayers on aluminum oxide

MS Lim, K Feng, X Chen, N Wu, A Raman, J Nightingale, ES Gawalt, ...

Langmuir 23 (5), 2444-2452, 2007

Reduced graphene oxide/titanium dioxide composites for supercapacitor electrodes: shape and coupling effects

C Xiang, M Li, M Zhi, A Manivannan, N Wu

Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (36), 19161-19167, 2012

Shape-dependent surface-enhanced Raman scattering in gold–Raman-probe–silica sandwiched nanoparticles for biocompatible applications

M Li, SK Cushing, J Zhang, J Lankford, ZP Aguilar, D Ma, N Wu

Nanotechnology 23 (11), 115501, 2012

Tuning the charge-transfer property of PbS-quantum dot/TiO2-nanobelt nanohybrids via quantum confinement

D Wang, H Zhao, N Wu, MA El Khakani, D Ma

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (7), 1030-1035, 2010

Direct fibrogenic effects of dispersed single-walled carbon nanotubes on human lung fibroblasts

L Wang, RR Mercer, Y Rojanasakul, A Qiu, Y Lu, JF Scabilloni, N Wu, ...

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 73 (5-6), 410-422, 2010



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