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已有 11240 次阅读 2016-2-26 09:52 |个人分类:科研|系统分类:科研笔记

Postdoc positions at Stanford University


1-2 postdoc positions are available at Stanford University to study eukaryotic membrane proteins. Highly motivated candidates with substantial experience in biochemistry or biophysics are encouraged to apply. Prior experience in one of the following areas: membrane biology, cellular biochemistry, cryo-EM or x-ray crystallography is a plus butnot required.


Research in the lab focuses on mechanistic understanding of eukaryotic membrane proteinsand their applications. Competitive salary with excellent benefits will be provided commensurate with experience. Stanford school of medicine provides an outstanding overall scientific environment.


Interested candidate should send a CV and contact information of two references by email to:


Dr. Liang Feng

Department of Molecularand Cellular Physiology,

Stanford University,

Stanford, CA, USA



Professional Experience

03/13-present         Assistant Professor

Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University

09/07-08/12 Postdoctoral Associate

The Rockefeller University, HHMI, New York, NY      

                              Advisor: Dr. Roderick MacKinnon

09/06-08/07            Postdoctoral Fellow

Dept. of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ      

                              Advisor: Dr. Yigong Shi


09/02-08/06            Dept. of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ      

                              (PhD in Molecular Biology, 09/2006; advisor: Dr. Yigong Shi)

09/99-08/02            Dept. of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and

Technology, Hong Kong, China (M.Phil. in biology, 11/2002)

09/95-08/99 Dept. of Biology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

(Bachelor of Science, 08/1999).

Honors and Awards

2015 NIH Director's New Innovator Award

2015 Klingenstein-Simons Fellow, The Klingenstein Fund and the Simons Foundation

2014 Sloan Research Fellow.

2006 Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award sponsored by the  

                       Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

2006                Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad

2005  Porter Ogden Jacobus Honorific Fellowship, Princeton University.

 (Highest honor for graduate students at Princeton University)


1.Tao Y, Cheung L, Li S, Eom J, Chen L, Xu Y, Perry K, Frommer W, Feng L. Structure of a eukaryotic SWEET transporter in a homo-trimeric complex. (2015) Nature. 527: 259-263

2.Feng L#, Frommer W#. Structure and function of SemiSWEET and SWEET sugar transporters. (2015) Trends Biochem Sci. 40: 480 – 486 (#corresponding authors)

3.Chen LQ, Cheung LS, Feng L, Tanner W, Frommer WB. Transport of sugars. Annu Rev Biochem. (2015) 84:865-94.

4.Xu Y, Tao Y, Cheung L, Fan C, Chen L, Xu S, Perry K, Frommer W, Feng L. (2014) Structures of bacterial homologues of SWEET transporters in two distinct conformations. Nature 515: 448-452

5.Feng L, Campbell E, MacKinnon R. (2012) Molecular Mechanism of proton transport in CLC Cl–/H+ exchange transporters. PNAS 109: 11699-11704

6.Feng L, Campbell E, Hsiung Y, MacKinnon R. (2010) Structure of a Eukaryotic CLC Transporter Defines an Intermediate State in the Transport Cycle. Science 330: 635-641

7.Gell D*, Feng L* Zhou S, Jeffrey PD, Bendak K, Gow A, Weiss MJ, Shi Y, Mackay JP. (2009) A cis-proline in alpha-hemoglobin stabilizing protein directs the structural reorganization of alpha-hemoglobin. JBC 284: 29462-29469 (*equal contribution)

8.Xu Y*, Feng L* Jeffrey PD, Shi Y, Morel FM. (2008) Structure and metal exchange in the cadmium carbonic anhydrase of marine diatoms. Nature 452:56-61 (*equal contribution)

9.Feng L*, Yan H*, Wu Z*, Yan N, Wang Z, Jeffrey PD, Shi Y. (2007) Structure of a site-2 protease family intramembrane metalloprotease. Science, 318:1608-1612

10.Baker RP, Young K, Feng L Shi Y, Urban S. (2007) Enzymatic analysis of a rhomboid intramembrane protease implicates transmembrane helix 5 as the lateral substrate gate. PNAS 104:8257-8262

11.Wu Z*, Yan N*, Feng L*, Oberstein A, Yan H, Baker RP, Gu L, Jeffrey PD, Urban S, Shi Y. (2006) Structural analysis of a rhomboid family intramembrane protease reveals a gating mechanism for substrate entry. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 13:1084-91 (*equal contribution)

12.Xu Y, Wahlund T, Feng L, Yeala S, Morel FM. (2006) A novel alkaline phosphatase in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi and its regulation by phosphorus. J. Phycol. 42: 835-844.

13.Feng L*, Zhou S*, Gu L*, Gell DA, Mackay JP, Weiss MJ, Gow AJ, Shi Y. (2005) Structure of oxidized alpha-haemoglobin bound to AHSP reveals a protective mechanism for haem. Nature, 435: 697-701

14.Banki MR, Feng L, Wood DW. (2005) Simple bioseparations using self-cleaving elastin-like polypeptide tags. Nature Methods, 2:659-61.

15.Weiss M, Zhou S, Feng L, Gell DA, Mackay JP, Shi Y, Gow AJ. (2005) Role of Alpha Hemoglobin–Stabilizing Protein in Normal Erythropoiesis and -Thalassemia. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1054:1-15

16.Feng L*, Gell DA*, Zhou S*, Gu L, Kong Y, Li J, Hu M, Yan N, Lee C, Rich AM, Armstrong RS, Lay PA, Gow AJ, Weiss MJ, Mackay JP, Shi Y. (2004) Molecular mechanism of AHSP-mediated stabilization of -hemoglobin. Cell, 119: 629-640

17.Chen Y., Song G, Jiang F, Feng L, Zhang X, Ding Y, Bartlam M, Yang A, Ma X, Ye S, Liu Y, Tang H, Song H, Rao Z. (2002) Crystal Structure of Staphylokinase Variant: A Model for Reduced Antigenicity. Eur J Biochem, 269:705-711

18.Feng L., Lee K.A.W., (2001) A repetitive element containing a critical tyrosine residue is required for transcriptional activation by the EWS/ATF1. Oncogene, 20: 4161-4168


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