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The New Lexington Community Center

已有 7873 次阅读 2015-10-20 04:34 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

(For new reader and those who request 好友, please read my 公告 first)

The New LexingtonCommunity Center

After years of saving and prudent financial management, careful two year study to  needs and resources (my wife served onthe study committee), our town spend some 12 million dollars (all local tax money)  to establish an all-purpose community center  to serve the youth, senior, and the general public of the town. Formal opening  of the center was celebrated on 10/17/2015. In my photo album are some  photos taken on the opening day. You are welcomed to view them  (Instruction for new readers - go to the top of this page and click on phot0 album 相册in Chinese. Then select the Lexington Communit Center album. Click on the first picture and start the slide show by clicking幻灯播放.)

This is local democracy and partipation at its best. There are no national

or state  initiatives behind this. All the funding came from local city taxes and saving.  The purpose and construction spending were studied, debated, and approved.  The result is something of benefit to all the residents of the town: the youth will have a place to hangout, the lower income residents will have place to gather and have meals served, the seniors will have a centralized place for learning and meeting, and voluntary and public organizations will have a central meeting place.  Together with the largest local library and a renovated town hall,  Lexington will have a collection of public places to serve all residents. These facilities and the school system are what makes the town such a desirable place to live (and unfortunately sky high real estate prices). Chinese Americans now constituteabout 5% of the total town population.

Note added 11/4/2015: one more reason as to why Lexington is so desirable . She was just voted #26 in the US and #3 in Mass as the best small city to live in.

More note added 11/20/2015. A video of the grand openi9ng ceremony can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6jSTGeVJGQ 


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