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[转载]How Successful People Use Their Spare Time

已有 8606 次阅读 2015-7-22 20:42 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察|文章来源:转载

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How Successful People Use Their Spare Time

By Mark Ford, founder, The Palm    Beach Research Group

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Jack  and Jill live in the same apartment building and work in the same office.  They both wake up at 7 a.m., shower, have breakfast, and get to work by 8  a.m. It is at this point that their habits diverge.

 From 8 a.m. until 9 a.m. (when the rest of the workers come into the office),  Jill plans her day and gets to work on a job that is important to her  long-term goals.

 Jack likes to get into work an hour earlier, too, but he prefers to spend the  time "relaxing into his day" with a cup of coffee and the morning  newspaper. Jack sees Jill working away and feels sorry for her.

 "We both get credit for getting into work early," he thinks,  "but she has exchanged happiness for money."

 In his opinion, that makes Jill greedy, foolish, and, ultimately, self-centered…  

 David Niven, a college professor and author of the book, the
100 Simple Secrets of Successful  People, would half-agree.

 "Yes, Jill is acting out of self-interest," he'd say, "but so  is Jack"…

 Both of them choose to do what they do with their spare time because they  believe they benefit from it. Jack doesn't like work. Thus, he doesn't want to  work more than he has to.

 But since he has to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., he figures he might as well  do a good job during that time. And he does.

 Jill does like to work. And although she doesn't enjoy every single aspect of  it, she especially enjoys the hour between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. That's when she  plans her day, figures out what she can accomplish, and gets some work done  on a project that she knows will change her life for the better.

 By 9 o'clock, Jack feels relaxed, but just a little bit sad. In a few  minutes, the office will be teeming with activity, his inbox will be  overflowing with work, and the phone will be ringing off its stand.

 Jill actually feels better than she did at 8 o'clock.

 In their use of spare time, Jill is an investor, while Jack is a spender.

 As an investor, Jill works from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. because it gives her  dividends. On a short-term basis, she is rewarded by knowing that her day is  set, her inbox is organized, and she has already done something she cares  about.

 On a medium-term basis, she benefits by enjoying a more orderly day. And on a  long-term basis, the work she puts in now will provide her with all sorts of  rewards in the future – higher pay, better work, more responsibility, etc.

 As a spender, Jack is not willing to work that extra hour every morning. He  would rather use it to "buy" some time that will give him instant  gratification. Generally speaking, value compounds over time. This is true of  money, knowledge, and work.

 Invest $1,000 in the stock market today, and you can be pretty sure it will  be worth about $2,000 in about eight years (assuming the stock market grows  at its historic 9% rate). The same principle holds true with work.

 Every hour that you put in today will be worth many times that amount later  on. The rewards can be extraordinary if you think of them in terms of money.

 Let's say Jack and Jill are both earning $20,000 per year right now. By  putting in an extra hour per day for a full year, Jill can expect to get  salary increases that are, perhaps, 20% higher than Jack's. If that's the  case, when he gets a $1,000 raise, hers would be $1,200.

 That may not seem like much during the first year, but by the third year,  Jill will have jumped up to a new level – a management position with a salary  of $40,000.

 If she continues to put in that extra hour per day, she will eventually be  running the business, pulling down $175,000 per year. Meanwhile, though Jack  has been enjoying his early morning hours, he will have had a very slow  career arc. With any luck, he'll be earning about $55,000 per year as a  junior manager.

 During the 20 years of their respective careers, Jill will have earned a lot  more money and lived much better in terms of material goods. But Jack does  not regret his choice.

 After all, he figures that he has enjoyed an hour per day of pleasure – five  hours per week, 260 hours per year, for 20 years – that Jill gave up. That's  5,000 hours of "fun" that Jill didn't have.

 But now, Jack and Jill are 48, and Jill doesn't have to work anymore. She was  able to retire with $4 million in the bank. But Jack is forced to continue  working.

 With two kids in college, a mortgage, and so on, he couldn't retire even if  he wanted to. Every 40-hour week that Jack now works is 40 hours that Jill  can spend enjoying herself.

 It will take Jill just 120 weeks, less than two and a half years, to catch up  with Jack in terms of the amount of time he spent on personal pleasure all  those years between the hours of 8 and 9 in the morning.

 And Jill will not only be much richer and freer than Jack, she'll also be  able to continue enjoying herself… an extra 2,000 hours per year. That is how  successful people use their spare time.


 Mark Ford


Mark  is one of the country's foremost experts on wealth building. He's a serial  entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author who has built  hundreds of businesses... and a huge personal fortune.


Note added by the Blogger: I’llsummarize this article by one sentence: “Use your spare time productively AND enjoyably”  which is an advice I practice myself  throughout my life time. Note I said productively AND enjoyably. For example: practice in your mind a speech you are about to give while waiting for your commuting bus AND anticipating the good responses from the audience; review your investments AND calculating the income you will derive from it when you retire; plan how you will bond with your children at the next family reunion; or as suggested here in this article using the spare time in the morning to plan your day



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IP: 101.73.75.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [2]zhangdaozhen   2015-7-23 00:22
Thanks a lot! I'll try.
IP: 101.73.75.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [1]zhangdaozhen   2015-7-23 00:05
During the holidays, most of my time reading and watching the article, find historical documents. Harvard University Library of e-books. I have often consult.
回复  Good for you. But do it also for non-holiday times.
2015-7-23 00:161 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复

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