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The Greek Economic Crisis,The Euro zone, and the UN 精选

已有 12558 次阅读 2015-7-9 20:33 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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The current problem facing Greece and the Eurozone has been dominating the news lately.  The reports people sees in newspaper and broadcasts make the problem overly complex,  difficult to understand and resolve. As a citizen of the US, this is my own simplified view:

1.      In the 50 United States of America, we have rich states, such as California, New York,  and Massachusetts  and poor states such as Kentucky and North Dakota.  The rich states pay far more in federal taxes to the federal government than the poor states.  The government takes the tax money and redistributes it for the good of the whole country.  The poor states receive much more of this revenue back than they contribute.   Most people are not even aware of such re-distribution and certainly would agree that this all  for the greater good even if brought to their attention since we are all part of one country operating under a central government.

2.      The Eurozone can be viewed as an incomplete step toward a “United States of Europe”. The rich state  is Germany and the poor state is Greece. But because of language, history, and customs,  redistribution of benefits are far from automatic. Yes, Greece as part of the Eurozone,certainly deserves of economic help (disguised as loans rather than direct redistribution). At the same time, as part of a union Greece  must obey/conformto certain common rules of economic behavior imposed on every member states.Greece cannot irresponsibly spend Euros and expect other member nation to subsidize her endlessly  and behave as a totally sovereign country. There in lies the problem.  If there were a true United States of Europe and a strong central European government (as in the case of USA), there won’t be a crisis.

3.      As the world globalizes, unification is an irresistible trend. United Nations is an organizational attempt  after WWII. However, it is often accused to be a weak organization that can do little  to resolve  conflicts and wars. However, to some extent we have learned from the failed attempt of the League of Nations after WWI. You can say that the United Nation was deliberately designed to be weak because we realized  that we are not ready for world unification.  On the other hand, we can also say that the economic  unification of the Eurozone was an ill-fated attempt without thinking through all the ramifications of rich-poor countries united under one EURO.

4.      Someday, our world will come under one government and one language. But I certainly will  not live to see it.


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20 邵鹏 韩枫 曹聪 郑永军 陈冬生 许培扬 徐旭东 赵保明 朱传卫 杨顺楷 范杰 鲍海飞 赵凤光 余世锋 张能立 李天成 icgwang qzw LongLeeLu yunmu

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IP: 73.44.194.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [14]洪建辉   2015-7-12 10:06
No offense taken Sir.  I am not from North Dakota.  The job market and new home construction have been booming there due to fracking in the last decade.  On the other hand, California is almost bankrupt.  Big states like CA and TX also receive lots of federal disaster relief money due to their house representatives and powerful senators.
IP: 204.76.211.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [13]LongLeeLu   2015-7-11 08:56
#4 is impossible as documented in Bible due to human sinful nature. "#4 - Someday, our world will come under one government and one language. But I certainly will  not live to see it. "
IP: 73.44.194.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [12]洪建辉   2015-7-11 01:49
The idea of an united global nation is so remote that it resembles the prediction of the death of the universe due to homogenization of everything in the universe.  We are not going to see it in our life time, for sure.
IP: 108.213.68.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [11]ahmen   2015-7-11 00:47
In a democracy, people vote for their own interest: high pensions, big defense spending, all kinds of welfare. Nobody cares about who pays for these as long as that group of voters get what they want. In the end, even rich states become poor, like the state of Illinois. where the strange industry of making petro out of corn failed to keep the state afloat.

Nobody can resist using someone else's money legally, for free, never think of paying back. But pay back they must, ulnless you got a navy like that of Uncle Sam.
回复  You have a very pessimistic view of human nature which are not entirely unwarranted.
2015-7-11 20:181 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
IP: 73.44.194.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [10]洪建辉   2015-7-10 23:03
North Dakota is no poor state.  
回复  No offense. I am only comparing in a relative sense. No state. In the USA is really poor.
2015-7-11 20:191 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
IP: 61.183.148.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [9]张能立   2015-7-10 19:41
Someday, our world will come under one government and one language. But I certainly will  not live to see it.
----------- certainly
IP: 222.209.51.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [8]qzw   2015-7-10 19:29
IP: 123.233.203.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [7]Yoly   2015-7-10 17:25
Your explain makes it very easy to understand. I am a nobody in China and yes, I fully understand . Thank you.
回复  Glad to be of service.
2015-7-10 20:351 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
IP: 210.75.236.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [6]杨顺楷   2015-7-10 11:00
IP: 124.193.176.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [5]朱传卫   2015-7-10 10:38
Your comparison between the 50 states of the US and the Euro Union members is really interesting. The complete unification of the Erope needs time in considerration of their diversiies in tradition, language, historical disputes etc. I have drawn a world without gavernments and nations, and people can travel around the world without any restrictions.
IP: 202.118.228.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [4]袁学波   2015-7-10 09:39
"Someday, our world will come under one government and one language. "   Why?
IP: 159.226.163.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [3]徐旭东   2015-7-10 08:42
IP: 146.9.242.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [2]陆绮   2015-7-9 23:24
Across the United States are immigrants. But across Europe have their own diverse nations and history, there are a lot of historical resentment among the European countries is more difficult to reconcile. Relatively speaking, the euro zone may also need to learn from the past experiences of China, good and bad.
Anyway, god bless the EURO.
回复  My point exactly.
2015-7-10 02:011 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复
IP: 155.52.208.*   回复 | 赞 +1 [1]邵鹏   2015-7-9 21:32
I am not quite sure if our friends in China an fully understand the crisis. One thing i noticed is the Chinese media is not following on this issue that much as the western media is so closely. I agree, the difficulties Eurozone is facing is really complex due to the loose organization. On the other hand, people are really confused by what the Greek government is thinking about.
回复  This article is my attempt to make clear and simple  the basic issue involved from my perspective.
2015-7-9 22:451 楼(回复楼主) 赞 +1 | 回复

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