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美国国家科学基金会资助的“科学、技术与创新建模会议” 精选

已有 4465 次阅读 2016-5-20 06:59 |个人分类:科学计量学研究|系统分类:博客资讯




2016年5月17到18日,在美国国家科学基金会科学与创新政策学计划的资助下,美国印第安纳大学的数据科学家在首都华盛顿的国家科学院礼堂主办了 Modeling Science, Technology and Innovation Conference科学、技术与创新建模会议)。

组织这次会议的核心人物有两位,一是印第安纳大学情报学与计算学院图书情报学系的Katy Börner教授(她是全球著名的可视化研究专家和科技政策量化研究专家),一是该校网络科学研究所的Staša Milojević副教授。

会议由美国国家工程院院长C.D."Dan" Mote Jr.致开幕辞。发言者来自国立卫生研究院、疾病控制预防中心、国家海洋与大气管理局、欧洲技术与创新评估局、哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、PayPal(贝宝)公司等政产学研机构。

   Katy Börner教授说,科技政策的最大挑战之一便是如何提升以有利于创新的方式来有效分配资源---包括经费资源和人力资源----的能力。可资获取的与科学技术相关的巨量数据,结合以强大的计算能力,创造了利用计算机建模来理解科学、技术与创新并预测科学、技术与创新的未来可能方向的理想条件。



   她说,数据模型在科技政策领域所能发挥的作用还包括:创立“政策模拟飞行器”,即帮助决策者在做出支持具体项目的决定之前先“试运行”一下未来的可能场景,美国斯蒂文斯理工学院已经在开展这方面的尝试;“科学预报”,将本地和全球的科学、技术与创新新闻及时传递给普通公众,就好比天气预报与百姓的关系一样;“资助排序模型”(FundRank model),基于专家众包来进行科研项目资助的决策,与传统的项目评审不一样。FundRank model是印第安纳大学的Johan Bollen教授、Katy Börner教授及其同事提出的,吸收了PageRank算法的思想。



Tuesday May 17th

8:00 – 8:30


8:30 – 9:00

Welcome and Opening Remarks by C.D. (Dan) Mote, Jr.,  President of the National Academy of Engineering

9:00 – 9:30

Setting the Stage by Katy Börner, Indiana University

9:30  – 11:00

Case Studies
Government and policy researchers and staff present computational models  they have implemented to optimize internal processes and to improve agency  decision making.

Jerome Glenn, The Millenium Project  (Moderator)

– Richard Ikeda, NIH
 – Guru Madhavan, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
 – Martin Meltzer, CDC
 – Venkatachalam “Ram” Ramaswamy, NOAA

11:00 – 11:30


11:30  – 12:30

Keynote by Alex “Sandy” Pentland, MIT

12:30 – 1:30


1:30  – 2:00

Two-Minute Flash Talks by Leading Experts

2:00  – 3:00

Funding Opportunities
Government and private foundations discuss how they fund people, projects,  and infrastructure in support of R&D on validated and trusted STI models  and standards.

 Susan Fitzpatrick, James S. McDonnell  Foundation (Moderator)
 – Stephen Marcus, NIH
 – Riq Parra, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
 – Daniel Goroff, SLOAN
 – Brian Pate, United States Department of Defense

3:00  – 4:30

Models of Innovation
Academic experts from different disciplines discuss diverse approaches to  model the birth, diffusion, and adoption of innovations in science and  technology. Temporal dynamics, diffusion trajectories, and the impact of  interventions are covered.

 Richard B. Freeman, Harvard University  (Moderator)
 – John Walsh, Georgia Tech
 – Lynne Zucker, UCLA
 – William B. Rouse, Stevens Institute of Technology

4:30 – 5:00

Break and Group Photo

5:00  – 6:30

Models of STI
Researchers present models that help us understand the inner working of  STI and/or that aim to address the needs of science policy makers.

 Staša Milojević, Indiana University  (Moderator)
 – Daniel McFarland, Stanford University
 – Petra Ahrweiler, EA of Technology and Innovation Assessment GmbH, Germany
 – Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland


Reception with Remarks by E. William Colglazier, AAAS  Center for Science Diplomacy
 Tour of Sentient Chamber Living Architecture Installation

8:00 PM



18 May


Wednesday May 18th

7:30 – 8:00


8:00  – 9:30

Data, Algorithms, and Infrastructure
High quality predictions require access to high quality and high coverage  data. Just like local data is of little value for global weather predictions;  data for just one institution or country is of limited value when aiming to  make STI predictions.

 Katy  Börner, Indiana University (Moderator)
 – James Onken, NIH
 – Richard Freeman, Harvard University
 – Nachum Shacham, PayPal
 – Grace Peng, NIH
 – Ian Hutchins, NIH

9:30 – 10:00


10:00  – 11:30

Models of Science
Exactly how can models of science inform decision making in academia,  government, and industry? Leading experts present their models and discuss  limitations to predictability.

 James Evans, The University of Chicago  (Moderator)
 – Brian Uzzi, Northwestern University
 – Santo Fortunato, Aalto University, Finland
 – Roberta Sinatra, Central European University, Hungary & Northeastern  University
 – Staša Milojevi
ć, Indiana University

11:30  – 12:30

Policy Issues
Hear first-hand from policy makers the types of issues they are dealing  with and what kinds of models and model results would help them to be  informed decision-makers.

 Caroline Wagner, Ohio State University  (Moderator)
 – Bill Valdez, The Consultants International Group
 – Kevin Finneran, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
 – Kaye G. Husbands Fealing, Georgia Tech

12:30 – 1:30

Lunch and Tour of Sentient  Chamber Living Architecture Installation

1:30  – 2:00

Two-Minute Flash Talks by Leading Experts

2:00  – 3:00

Keynote by Dame Wendy Hall, University of  Southampton, UK

3:00 – 3:30


3:30  – 5:00

Models of Science & Innovation
Learn how models of science and innovation can improve decision making and  how computer simulations can help understand the impact of (policy) decisions  on future developments.

 Bruce Hecht, Analog Devices, Inc.  (Moderator)
 – Carl Bergstrom, University of Washington
 – Robert Axtell, George Mason University/NICO at Northwestern University
 – James Evans, University of Chicago
 – Mark Gerstein, Yale University

5:00 – 5:30

Closing Remarks and Next Steps by Staša Milojević, Indiana  University





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