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新加坡创新宣言 精选

已有 6685 次阅读 2016-3-11 06:51 |个人分类:他山之石|系统分类:观点评述




我在TOWARDS AN INNOVATION-DRIVEN ECONOMY THROUGH INDUSTRIAL POLICY-MAKING: AN EVOLUTIONARY ANALYSIS OF SINGAPORE(The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal,2005年第10卷第3期)一文中发现了新加坡的《创新宣言》,其作用看来是唤起民众,但不知是哪一年发布的,也未能查到发布时间。我猜测在2000年之前。请知道该宣言的发布年代者告知,谢谢。



武夷山 试译










The Innovation Manifesto


We see Singapore as an Innovative Society that is able to offers limitless opportunities for all in the Knowledge Based Society. The Public Service for the 21st century, as an integral component of society, has to continually re-invent itself to support the innovative and enterprise movement so as to better anticipate, welcome and execute change. In doing so, we will be guided by the following principles:


·People want challenge in their work and recognition for what they do. People want to contribute and know that their contributions matter. Hence, they are motivated to contribute to a worthwhile higher purpose and cause, beyond self-interest.

·Everyone has talent and ability. Each individual has something to contribute and diversity of views must be encouraged for non-linear thinking and analysis.

·People want to improve themselves and can do so. People have an inherent thirst to learn. They can improve given time, opportunity and training.

·Individuals best realise and maximise their creative value through collaboration with others. Collaboration may vary from a network of relations to an integrated organisation. Innovation thrives best in a vibrant environment as opposed to being in a vacuum.

·Everyone thinking and doing will achieve more than a few thinking and doing.This is especially critical for Singapore with our limited manpower, to succeed, we will need to leverage on the diverse knowledge, skills and expertise of every single individual.

· The manager’s role is to facilitate and allow his staff to optimise their innovative capacity. By instilling a sense of purpose and creating the broad framework and safe environment in which the staff could operate - new ideas,experiments and chan ge become the norm rather than the exception. Supervisors must move from “managing resources” to “leading and inspiring people”.Leadership skills must be honed for the New Economy. We challenge everyone to ask themselves: HAVE YOU INNOVATED TODAY?

© Courtesy ofthe Singapore’s Public Service


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