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已有 7778 次阅读 2015-9-8 06:51 |个人分类:东鳞西爪|系统分类:人文社科



    List Muse是一个专门提供图书、电影、音乐等各类文化佳作榜单的网站。前天我介绍了该网站有史以来最佳科学图书100种”榜单,受到欢迎。今天再介绍一下该网站的另一个榜单----“有史以来最佳小说100种”,原文见http://www.listmuse.com/best-books-top-100-fiction.php 他们的评选规则是:同一作者只选一部作品。





1. Brave New World,美丽新世界,有多个中译本。该书由英国作家阿道司·赫胥黎所著,是二十世纪最经典的“反乌托邦”文学之一乔治·奥威尔的《1984》、扎米亚京的《我们》并称为“反乌托邦”三书。本榜将这三部书都列上了。

By Aldous Huxley |

"Aldous Huxley is the greatest 20th century writer in English." —Chicago Tribune Aldous Huxley is rightly considered a prophetic genius and one of the most important literary and philosophical voices of the 20th Century, and Brave New World is his masterpiece. From the author of The Doors of ... More »

2. Crime and Punishment,罪与罚

By Fyodor Dostoevsky |

Crime and Punishment is one of the most important novels of the nineteenth century. It is the story of a murder committed on principle, of a killer who wishes to set himself outside and above society. The novel is marked by Dostoevsky's own harrowing experience in penal servitude, ... More »

3. Nineteen Eighty-Four,1984,有多个中译本

By George Orwell |

Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and ... More »

4. War and Peace,战争与和平

By Leo Tolstoy |

Published to coincide with the centenary of Tolstoy's death, here is an exciting new edition of one of the great literary works of world literature. Tolstoy's epic masterpiece captures with unprecedented immediacy the broad sweep of life during the Napoleonic wars and the brutal invasion of Russia. Balls ... More »

5. Waiting for the Barbarians,等待野蛮人,作者库切为2003年诺贝尔文学奖得主

By J. M. Coetzee |

A modern classic, this early novel by Nobel Laureate J. M. Coetzee centers on the crisis of conscience and morality of the Magistrate-a loyal servant of the Empire working in a tiny frontier town, doing his best to ignore an inevitable war with the "barbarians." More »

6. Catch-22,第22条军规,有多个中译本

By Joseph Heller | 

Fifty years after its original publication, Catch-22 remains a cornerstone of American literature and one of the funniest—and most celebrated—books of all time. In recent years it has been named to “best novels” lists by Time, Newsweek, the Modern Library, and the London Observer. Set in Italy ... More »

7. Darkness at Noon,中午的黑暗,译林出版社

By Arthur Koestler |

Originally published in 1941, Arthur Koestler's modern masterpiece, Darkness At Noon, is a powerful and haunting portrait of a Communist revolutionary caught in the vicious fray of the Moscow show trials of the late 1930s. During Stalin's purges, Nicholas Rubashov, an aging revolutionary, is imprisoned and ... More »

8. Slaughterhouse-Five,五号屠场,译林出版社

By Kurt Vonnegut | 

Slaughterhouse-Five, an American classic, is one of the world’s great antiwar books. Centering on the infamous firebombing of Dresden, Billy Pilgrim’s odyssey through time reflects the mythic journey of our own fractured lives as we search for meaning in what we fear most. More »

9. Blindness,失明症漫记,南海出版公司,作者是诺贝尔文学奖得主

By Jose Saramago |  

A city is hit by an epidemic of "white blindness" which spares no one. Authorities confine the blind to an empty mental hospital, but there the criminal element holds everyone captive, stealing food rations and raping women. There is one eyewitness to this nightmare who guides seven strangers-among ... More »

10. The Sound and the Fury,至少有李文俊译的《喧哗与骚动》和黎登鑫译的《声音与愤怒》两个汉译本

By William Faulkner |  

The text of this Norton Critical Edition is that of the corrected edition scrupulously prepared by Noel Polk, whose textual note precedes the text. David Minter’s annotations are designed to assist the reader with obscure words and allusions. "Backgrounds" begins with the appendix Faulkner wrote in 1945 and ... More »

11. The Stranger,局外人,有多个中译本

By Albert Camus | 

(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)Albert Camus’s spare, laconic masterpiece about a Frenchman who murders an Arab in Algeria is famous for having diagnosed, with a clarity almost scientific, that condition of reckless alienation and spiritual exhaustion that characterized so much of twentieth-century life. Possessing both the force of a ... More »

12. Invisible Cities,看不见的城市,译林出版社

By Italo Calvino |  

“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.” — from Invisible Cities In a garden sit the aged Kublai Khan and the young Marco Polo — Mongol ... More »

13. Nausea,恶心,中国友谊出版公司

By Jean-Paul Sartre

Sartre's greatest novel — and existentialism's key text — now introduced by James Wood.Nausea is the story of Antoine Roquentin, a French writer who is horrified at his own existence. In impressionistic, diary form he ruthlessly catalogs his every feeling and sensation. His thoughts culminate in a pervasive, ... More »

14. I, Claudius,我,克劳迪斯,作者是英国诗人和小说家,生于1895,卒于1985

By Robert Graves |  

Considered an idiot because of his physical infirmities, Claudius survived the intrigues and poisonings of the reigns of Augustus, Tiberius, and the Mad Caligula to become emperor in 41 A.D. A masterpiece. More »

15. The Trial,审判,见《卡夫卡长篇小说全集》,中国书籍出版社

By Franz Kafka | 

Written in 1914, The Trial is one of the most important novels of the twentieth century: the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read ... More »

16. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man一个年轻艺术家的肖像,译林出版社

By James Joyce | 

Like much of James Joyce's work, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a fictional re-creation of the Irish writer's own life and early environment. The experiences of the novel's young hero, Stephen Dedalus, unfold in astonishingly vivid scenes that seem freshly recalled from life ... More »

17. Life and Fate,生活与命运,作者是苏联作家

By Vasily Grossman |  

A book judged so dangerous in the Soviet Union that not only the manuscript but the ribbons on which it had been typed were confiscated by the state, Life and Fate is an epic tale of World War II and a profound reckoning with the dark forces that ... More »

18. In Search of Lost Time,追忆似水年华,有多个中译本

By Marcel Proust

In Search of Lost Time or Remembrance of Things Past (French: à la recherche du temps perdu) is a novel in seven volumes by Marcel Proust. His most prominent work, it is ... More »

19. Germinal,萌芽,人民文学出版社

By Emile Zola |  

Zola's masterpiece of working life, Germinal (1885), exposes the inhuman conditions of miners in northern France in the 1860s. By Zola's death in 1902 it had come to symbolize the call for freedom from oppression so forcefully that the crowd which gathered at his State funeral chanted "Germinal! ... More »

20. The Sun Also Rises,太阳照样升起,中国对外翻译出版公司

By Ernest Hemingway |  

The quintessential novel of the Lost Generation, The Sun Also Rises is one of Ernest Hemingway's masterpieces and a classic example of his spare but powerful writing style. A poignant look at the disillusionment and angst of the post-World War I generation, the novel introduces two of Hemingway's ... More »

21. The Adventures of Augie March奥吉·马奇历险记河北教育出版社,上海译文出版社

By Saul Bellow |  

“The Adventures of Augie March is the great American Novel. Search no further.” –Martin AmisAs soon as it first appeared in 1953, this novel by the great Saul Bellow was hailed as an American classic. Augie, the exuberant narrator-hero is a poor Chicago boy growing up during the ... More »

22. Lolita,洛丽塔,有多个中译本

By Vladimir Nabokov | 

When "Lolita" was first published in 1955 it created a sensation and established Nabokov as one of the most original prose writers of the twentieth century. This annotated edition, a revised and considerably expanded version of the 1970 edition, does full justice to the textual riches of "Lolita", ... More »

23. Creation,创造,作者是美国作家,1925-2012

By Gore Vidal |  

A sweeping novel of politics, war, philosophy, and adventure–in a restored edition, featuring never-before-published material from Gore Vidal’s original manuscript–Creation offers a captivating grand tour of the ancient world.Cyrus Spitama, grandson of the prophet Zoroaster and lifelong friend of Xerxes, spent most of his life as Persian ambassador ... More »

24. Middlemarch,米德尔马契,人民文学出版社

By George Eliot | 

This panoramic work--considered the finest novel in English by many critics--offers a complex look at English provincial life at a crucial historical moment, and, at the same time, dramatizes and explores some of the most potent myths of Victorian literature. Taking place in the years leading up ... More »

25. We,我们,北方文艺出版社 

By Yevgeny Zamyatin |  

A seminal work of dystopian fiction that foreshadowed the worst excesses of Soviet Russia, Yevgeny Zamyatin's We is a powerfully inventive vision that has influenced writers from George Orwell to Ayn Rand. This Penguin Classics edition is translated from the Russian with an introduction by Clarence Brown. ... More »

26. Fathers and Sons,父与子,有多个中译本

By Ivan Turgenev |  

When a young graduate returns home he is accompanied, much to his father and uncle's discomfort, by a strange friend "who doesn't acknowledge any authorities, who doesn't accept a single principle on faith." Turgenev's masterpiece of generational conflict shocked Russian society when ... More »

27. Mrs Dalloway,达洛维太太,人民文学出版社

By Virginia Woolf | 

Virginia Woolf's novel follows a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, an upper class married Englishwoman, whose inner life exists in a state of continuous tension. She is torn between the boring conventional existence she has chosen to lead, and thoughts of what might have been, ... More »

28. On the Road,在路上,上海译文出版社

By Jack Kerouac |  

The legendary 1951 scroll draft of On the Road, published as Kerouac originally composed it IN THREE WEEKS in April of 1951, Jack Kerouac wrote his first full draft of On the Road—typed as a single-spaced paragraph on eight long sheets of tracing paper, which he later taped ... More »

29. The Naked and the Dead,裸者与死者,上海译文出版社

By Norman Mailer |  

Hailed as one of the finest novels to come out of the Second World War, The Naked and the Dead received unprecedented critical acclaim upon its publication and has since become part of the American canon. This fiftieth anniversary edition features a new introduction created especially doe ... More »

30. The Grapes of Wrath,愤怒的葡萄,上海译文出版社

By John Steinbeck |  

The Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression, a book that galvanized—and sometimes outraged—millions of readers.First published in 1939, Steinbeck’s Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression chronicles the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s and tells the story of one Oklahoma farm family, the Joads—driven from their ... More »

31. Wuthering Heights,呼啸山庄

By Emily Bronte |  

Wuthering Heights is a novel by Emily Bronte, written between October 1845 and June 1846, and published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. It was her first and only published novel: she died aged 30 the following year. The decision to publish came after the success of ... More »

32. Nostromo,诺斯绰摩,作者为波兰裔英国作家

By Joseph Conrad |  

One of the greatest political novels in any language, Nostromo reenacts the establishment of modern capitalism in a remote South American province locked between the Andes and the Pacific. In the harbor town of Sulaco, a vivid cast of characters is caught up in a civil war to ... More »

33. The Quiet American,沉静的美国人,林耳 译,1957,出版社不详

By Graham Greene |  

Graham Greene's classic exploration of love, innocence, and morality in Vietnam"I never knew a man who had better motives for all the trouble he caused," Graham Greene's narrator Fowler remarks of Alden Pyle, the eponymous "Quiet American" of what is perhaps the most controversial novel of his career. ... More »

34. The Catcher in the Rye,麦田里的守望者,译林出版社

By J. D. Salinger |  

Anyone who has read J.D. Salinger's New Yorker stories--particularly A Perfect Day for Bananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, The Laughing Man, and For Esme With Love and Squalor--will not be surprised by the fact that his first novel is full of children. The hero-narrator of The Catcher in ... More »

35. The Bostonians,波士顿人,作者亨利·詹姆斯为美国大文豪

By Henry James |  

‘There was nothing weak about Miss Olive, she was a fighting woman, and she would fight him to the death’ Basil Ransom, an attractive young Mississippi lawyer, is on a visit to his cousin Olive, a wealthy feminist, in Boston when he accompanies her to a ... More »

36. A Passage to India,印度之旅,台湾:桂冠圖書股份有限公司

By E. M. Forster | 

(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)Britain’s three-hundred-year relationship with the Indian subcontinent produced much fiction of interest but only one indisputable masterpiece: E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India, published in 1924, at the height of the Indian independence movement. Centering on an ambiguous incident between a young Englishwoman of ... More »

37. Sons and Lovers,儿子与情人,有多个中译本

By D. H. Lawrence | 

Sons and Lovers is a highly autobiographical and compelling portrayal of childhood, adolescence, and the price of family bonds. Repelled by her uneducated and sometimes violent husband, delicate Gertrude Morel devotes her life to her sons. But conflict is inevitable when Paul seeks relationships with women to escape ... More »

38. A Bend in the River ,河湾,译林出版社

By V. S. Naipaul | 

In the "brilliant novel" (The New York Times) V.S. Naipaul takes us deeply into the life of one man—an Indian who, uprooted by the bloody tides of Third World history, has come to live in an isolated town at the bend of a great river in a newly ... More »

39. Scoop,作者Evelyn Waugh为英国作家(1903-1966

By Evelyn Waugh |  

Lord Copper, newspaper magnate and proprietor of the Daily Beast, has always prided himself on his intuitive flair for spotting ace reporters. That is not to say he has not made the odd blunder, however, and may in a moment of weakness make another. Acting on a dinner ... More »

40. Beloved,宠儿,外语教学与研究出版社

By Toni Morrison | 

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Toni Morrison’s Beloved is a spellbinding and dazzlingly innovative portrait of a woman haunted by the past. Sethe was born a slave and escaped to Ohio, but eighteen years later she is still not free. She has borne the unthinkable and not gone mad, ... More »

41. Red Sorghum: A Novel of China(红高粱)

By Mo Yan | 莫言

The acclaimed novel of love and resistance during late 1930s China by Mo Yan, winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature. Spanning three generations, this novel of family and myth is told through a series of flashbacks that depict events of staggering horror set against a landscape of ... More »

42. The Cairo Trilogy,开罗三部曲,上海译文出版社

By Naguib Mahfouz |  

Naguib Mahfouz’s magnificent epic trilogy of colonial Egypt appears here in one volume for the first time. The Nobel Prize—winning writer’s masterwork is the engrossing story of a Muslim family in Cairo during Britain’s occupation of Egypt in the early decades of the twentieth century. The novels of The ... More »

43. One Hundred Years of Solitude,百年孤独

By Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 

One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and death of the mythical town of Macondo through the history of the Buendía family. Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad, and alive with unforgettable men and women -- brimming with truth, compassion, and a lyrical ... More »

44. The Tin Drum,铁皮鼓,漓江出版社

By Gunter Grass | 

   The Tin Drum, one of the great novels of the twentieth century, was published in Ralph Manheim’s outstanding translation in 1959. It became a runaway bestseller and catapulted its young author to the forefront of world literature.This edition, translated by Breon Mitchell, is more faithful to Grass’s style ... More »

45. The Golden Notebook,金色笔记,译林出版社

By Doris Lessing  

Anna is a writer, author of one very successful novel, who now keeps four notebooks. In one, with a black cover, she reviews the African experience of her earlier years. In a red one she records her political life, her disillusionment with communism. In a yellow one she ... More »

46. Madame Bovary,包法利夫人,有多个中译本

By Gustave Flaubert | 

The notorious and celebrated novel that established modern realism For this novel of French bourgeois life in all its inglorious banality, Flaubert invented a paradoxically original and wholly modern style. His heroine, Emma Bovary, a bored provincial housewife, abandons her husband to pursue the libertine Rodolphe in a desperate ... More »

47. The Great Gatsby,大亨小传,万象图书出版社,该版本翻译水平较高

By F. Scott Fitzgerald |  

The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s third book, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. This exemplary novel of the Jazz Age has been acclaimed by generations of readers. The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s third book, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. This exemplary novel ... More »

48. Lord of the Flies,蝇王,上海译文出版社

By William Golding |  

The classic novel by William Golding. With a new Introduction by Stephen King"To me Lord of the Flies has always represented what novels are for, what makes them indispensable." -Stephen King Golding's classic, startling, and perennially bestselling portrait of human nature remains as provocative today as when it was first ... More »

49. Lucky Jim,幸运的吉姆,译林出版社

By Kingsley Amis |  

Regarded by many as the finest, and funniest, comic novel of the twentieth century, Lucky Jim remains as trenchant, withering, and eloquently misanthropic as when it first scandalized readers in 1954. This is the story of Jim Dixon, a hapless lecturer in medieval history at a provincial university ... More »

50. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie·布罗迪小姐的青春  

By Muriel Spark | 苏格兰小说家,1918-2006

At the staid Marcia Blaine School for Girls, in Edinburgh, Scotland, teacher extraordinaire Miss Jean Brodie is unmistakably, and outspokenly, in her prime. She is passionate in the application of her unorthodox teaching methods, in her attraction to the married art master, Teddy Lloyd, in her affair with ... More »

51. The Conservationist,生态保护者

By Nadine Gordimer | 南非女作家,诺贝尔文学奖得主

Mehring is rich. He has all the privileges and possessions that South Africa has to offer, but his possessions refuse to remain objects. His wife, son, and mistress leave him; his foreman and workers become increasingly indifferent to his stewarsship; even the land rises up, as drought, ... More »


52. The Book of Disquiet韩少功译为《惶然录(1999),陈实译为《不安之书》(2006)

By Fernando Pessoa |  

Fernando Pessoa was many writers in one. He attributed his prolific writings to a wide range of alternate selves, each of which had a distinct biography, ideology. and horoscope. When he died in 935, Pessoa left behind a trunk filled with unfinished and unpublished writings, among which were ... More »

53. The Silent Cry,沉寂的吼声(博主:谁知道此书的中文名应该是什么?)

By Kenzaburo Oe,大江健三郎

Two brothers, Takashi and Mitsu, return from Tokyo to the village of their childhood. Selling their family home leads them to an inescapable confrontation with their family history. Their attempt to escape the influence of the city ends in failure as they realize that its tentacles extend ... More »

54. Things Fall Apart,瓦解,重庆出版社

By Chinua Achebe | 

Things Fall Apart tells two intertwining stories, both centering on Okonkwo, a “strong man” of an Ibo village in Nigeria. The first, a powerful fable of the immemorial conflict between the individual and society, traces Okonkwo’s fall from grace with the tribal world. The second, as modern as ... More »

55. All Quiet on the Western Front,西线无战事,有多个中译本

By Erich Maria Remarque | 

Considered by many the greatest war novel of all time, All Quiet on the Western Front is Erich Maria Remarque’s masterpiece of the German experience during World War I.I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous ... More »

56. The Unbearable Lightness of Being,生命中不能承受之轻,有多个中译本

By Milan Kundera |  

In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera tells the story of a young woman in love with a man torn between his love for her and his incorrigible womanizing and one of his mistresses and her humbly faithful lover. This magnificent novel juxtaposes geographically distant places; brilliant ... More »

57. Midnight's Children,午夜的孩子

By Salman Rushdie |  

Selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 best novels of all timeWinner of the Booker of Bookers Saleem Sinai is born at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947, the very moment of India’s independence. Greeted by fireworks displays, cheering crowds, and ... More »

58. Oscar and Lucinda,奥斯卡与露辛达,上海译文出版社

By Peter Carey |  

The Booker Prize-winning novel--now a major motion picture from Fox Searchlight Pictures. This sweeping, irrepressibly inventive novel, is a romance, but a romance of the sort that could only take place in nineteenth-century Australia. For only on that sprawling continent--a haven for misfits of both the animal and human kingdoms--could a ... More »

59. The Picture of Dorian Gray道连·格雷的画像,上海外语教育出版社

By Oscar Wilde | 

Since its first publication in 1890, Oscar Wilde's only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, has remained the subject of critical controversy. Acclaimed by some as an instructive moral tale, it has been denounced by others for its implicit immorality. After having his ... More »

60. Wolf Hall,狼厅,上海译文出版社

By Hilary Mantel | 

WINNER OF THE 2009 MAN BOOKER PRIZEWINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD FOR FICTIONA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. England in the 1520s is a heartbeat from disaster. If the king dies without a male heir, the country could be destroyed by civil war. Henry VIII wants to ... More »

61. My Name Is Red我的名字叫红,上海人民出版社

By Orhan Pamuk | 

One of the Nobel Prize winner’s best-loved novels, in a special edition featuring an introduction by the author and a chronology of Islamic and Western art history that provides additional context for this dazzling story of a murdered artist in sixteenth-century Istanbul. More »

62. Invisible Man,看不见的人,外国文学出版社

By Ralph Ellison |  

Invisible Man is a milestone in American literature, a book that has continued to engage readers since its appearance in 1952. A first novel by an unknown writer, it remained on the bestseller list for sixteen weeks, won the National Book Award for fiction, and established Ralph Ellison ... More »

63. U.S.A. trilogy,“美国”三部曲,上海译文出版社

By John Dos Passos | 

Unique for its epic scale and panoramic social sweep, Dos Passos' masterpiece comprises three novels--"The 42nd Parallel," "1919," and "The Big Money"--which create an unforgettable collective portrait of modern America. This one-volume edition includes detailed notes and a chronicle of the world events which serve as a backdrop. More »

64. Go Tell It on the Mountain,站在山巅呼喊

By James Baldwin | 美国小说家,(1924- )

Selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 best novels of all time"Mountain," Baldwin said, "is the book I had to write if I was ever going to write anything else." Go Tell It On The Mountain, first published in 1953, is Baldwin's first major work, ... More »

65. The Glass Bead Game,玻璃球游戏,上海译文出版社

By Herman Hesse |  

The final novel of Hermann Hesse, for which he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946, The Glass Bead Game is a fascinating tale of the complexity of modern life as well as a classic of modern literature. Set in the 23rd century, The Glass Bead Game is ... More »

66. The Road,路,重庆出版社

By Cormac McCarthy |  

NATIONAL BESTSELLERPULITZER PRIZE WINNER National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist. A New York Times Notable Book. One of the Best Books of the Year, The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, The Denver Post, The Kansas City Star, Los Angeles Times, New York, People, Rocky Mountain News, Time, The Village Voice, ... More »

67. Revolutionary Road,革命之路,重庆出版社

By Richard Yates |  

"A deft, ironic, beautiful novel that deserves to be a classic." —William Styron

From the moment of its publication in 1961, Revolutionary Road was hailed as a masterpiece of realistic fiction and as the most evocative portrayal of the opulent desolation of the American suburbs. It's the story of ... More »

68. Gate of the Sun,太阳之门,中国文联出版社

By Elias Khoury |  

A New York Times Book Review Notable Book of the Year

One of Kansas City Star's 100 Noteworthy Books of the Year

A Boldtype Notable Book of the Year

A Christian Science Monitor Best Book of the Year

A San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year

Drawing on the stories he gathered ... More »

69. Nights at the Circus,马戏团之夜,南京大学出版社

By Angela Carter |  

Sophi Fevvers—the toast of Europe's capitals, courted by the Prince of Wales, painted by Toulouse-Lautrec—is an aerialiste extraordinaire, star of Colonel Kearney's circus. She is also part woman, part swan. Jack Walser, an American journalist, is on a quest to discover Fevvers's true identity: Is she ... More »

70. Portnoy's Complaint

By Philip Roth | 美国作家,1933年生

Portnoy's Complaint n. [after Alexander Portnoy (1933- )] A disorder in which strongly-felt ethical and altruistic impulses are perpetually warring with extreme sexual longings, often of a perverse nature. Spielvogel says: 'Acts of exhibitionism, voyeurism, fetishism, auto-eroticism and oral coitus are plentiful; as a consequence of the patient's ... More »

71. Half of a Yellow Sun,半个黄月亮

By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | 尼日利亚女小说家,1977年生

With effortless grace, celebrated author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie illuminates a seminal moment in modern African history: Biafra's impassioned struggle to establish an independent republic in southeastern Nigeria during the late 1960s. We experience this tumultuous decade alongside five unforgettable characters: Ugwu, a thirteen-year-old houseboy who works for Odenigbo, ... More »

72. Live and Remember活着,并且要记住

By Valentin Rasputin | 俄罗斯作家

First published in Russian in 1974, Live and Remember was immediately hailed by Soviet critics as a superb if atypical example of war literature and a moving depiction of the degradation and ultimate damnation of a frontline deserter. The novel tells the story of a Siberian peasant who ... More »

73. The Home and the World,家庭与世界,山东文艺出版社

By Rabindranath Tagore | 泰戈尔

Set on a Bengali noble's estate in 1908, this is both a love story and a novel of political awakening. The central character, Bimala, is torn between the duties owed to her husband, Nikhil, and the demands made on her by the radical leader, Sandip. Her attempts to ... More »

74. Under the Net,网之下,木马文化(出版公司)

By Iris Murdoch |  

A comic novel about work and love, wealth and fame. Jake Donaghue, garrulous artist, meets Hugo Bellfounder, silent philosopher.Jake, hack writer and sponger, now penniless flat-hunter, seeks out an old girlfriend, Anna Quentin, and her glamorous actress sister, Sadie. He resumes acquaintance with the formidable Hugo, whose ‘philosophy’ he ... More »

75. The Siege of Krishnapur

By J. G. Farrell | 英国小说家(1935-1979)

Winner of the Booker Prize. India, 1857—the year of the Great Mutiny, when Muslim soldiers turned in bloody rebellion on their British overlords. This time of convulsion is the subject of J. G. Farrell’s The Siege of Krishnapur, widely considered one of the finest British novels of the last ... More »


76. The God of Small Things,微物之神,人民文学出版社

By Arundhati Roy |  

Compared favorably to the works of Faulkner and Dickens, Arundhati Roy’s debut novel is a modern classic that has been read and loved worldwide. Equal parts powerful family saga, forbidden love story, and piercing political drama, it is the story of an affluent Indian family forever changed by ... More »

77. No One Sleeps in Alexandria

By Ibrahim Abdel Meguid | 埃及小说家

This sweeping novel depicts the intertwined lives of an assortment of Egyptians--Muslims and Copts, northerners and southerners, men and women--as they begin to settle in Egypt's great second city, and explores how the Second World War, starting in supposedly faraway Europe, comes crashing down on them, affecting their ... More »

78. Atonement,赎罪,上海译文出版社

By Ian McEwan | 

National Bestseller Ian McEwan’s symphonic novel of love and war, childhood and class, guilt and forgiveness provides all the satisfaction of a brilliant narrative and the provocation we have come to expect from this master of English prose. On a hot summer day in 1935, thirteen-year-old ... More »

79. The Tale of Genji,源氏物语

By Lady Murasaki | 

The original novel—a classic of Japanese and world literature and a stunningly beautiful story. Written in the eleventh century, this exquisite portrait of courtly life in medieval Japan is widely celebrated as the world’s first novel. Genji, the Shining Prince, is the son of an emperor. He is a ... More »

80. That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana

By Carlo Emilio Gadda | 意大利诗人、作家(1893-1973)

In a large apartment house in central Rome, two crimes are committed within a matter of days: a burglary, in which a good deal of money and precious jewels are taken, and a murder, as a young woman whose husband is out of town is found with her ... More »

81. Austerlitz ,奥斯特利茨,译林出版社

By W. G. Sebald | 

This tenth anniversary edition of W. G. Sebald’s celebrated masterpiece includes a new Introduction by acclaimed critic James Wood. Austerlitz is the story of a man’s search for the answer to his life’s central riddle. A small child when he comes to England on a Kinder transport in the ... More »

82. The Woman in the Dunes,砂之女

By Kobo Abe | 安部公房

Dazzlingly original, Kobo Abe's "The Woman in the Dunes" is one of the premier Japanese novels in the twentieth century, and this "Penguin Classics" edition contains a new introduction by David Mitchell, author of "Cloud Atlas". Niki Jumpei, an amateur entomologist, searches the scorching desert for beetles. As ... More »

83. Gulliver's Travels,格列佛游记

By Jonathan Swift

This new edition of Swift's satiric classic is based on the 1726 text―the edition textual scholars now consider the most authoritative. It is accompanied by detailed explanatory annotations. "Contexts" collects materials that influenced Swift's writing of the novel, as well as documents that suggest its initial ... More »

84. The Dream of the Red Chamber,红楼梦

By Cao Xueqin |  

The Story of the Stone (c.1760) is one of the greatest novels of Chinese literature. The first part of the story, The Golden Days, begins the tale of Bao-yu, a gentle young boy who prefers girls to Confucian studies, and his two cousins: Bao-chai, his parents' choice of ... More »

85. The Way of All Flesh,众生之路,人民文学出版社

By Samuel Butler |  

This novel is largely autobiographical, detailing the familial strife which characterized Butler's life and often figures in his work. Ernest, the novel's hero, has an unhappy schooling and little success in romance; his sadness is exacerbated by his father, Theobald Pontifex, a bullying clergyman. An unfortunate marriage makes ... More »

86. The Good Soldier,好兵

By Ford Madox Ford,英国小说家(1873-1939)

The Good Soldier is Ford Madox Ford's masterpiece, a riveting story and one of the most compelling examples of early Modernism: a virtuoso performance of how to use an "unreliable narrator." Wealthy American John Dowell tells what he calls "the saddest story," about a secret affair between his ... More »

87. Goodbye to Berlin,《再见,柏林》,马可孛罗文化(出版公司)

By Christopher Isherwood | 

Isherwood's classic story of Berlin in the 1930s - and the inspiration for Cabaret - now in a stand-alone edition. First published in 1934, Goodbye to Berlin has been popularized on stage and screen by Julie Harris in I Am a Camera and Liza Minelli in Cabaret. Isherwood ... More »

88. Lanark,拉纳克

By Alasdair Gray | 苏格兰作家,1934年生

A modern vision of hell, Lanark is set in the disintegrating cities of Unthank and Glasgow, and tells the interwoven stories of Lanark and Duncan Thaw. A work of extraordinary imagination and wide range, its playful narrative techniques convey a profound message, both personal and political, about humankind's inability ... More »

89. Old Man Goriot,高老头

By Honore de Balzac |巴尔扎克  

Monsieur Goriot is one of a disparate group of lodgers at Mademe Vauquer's dingy Parisian boarding house. At first his wealth inspires respect, but as his circumstances are mysteriously reduced he becomes shunned by those around him, and soon his only remaining visitors are his two beautifully dressed ... More »

90. Hard Times,艰难时世

By Charles Dickens |狄更斯

The 'terrible mistake' was the contemporary utilitarian philosophy, expounded in Hard Times (1854) as the Philosophy of Fact by the hard-headed disciplinarian Thomas Gradgrind. But the novel, Dickens's shortest, is more than a polemical tract for the times; the tragic story of Louisa Gradgrind and her father is ... More »

91. G.

By John Berger | 英国艺术史家、小说家

In this luminous novel -- winner of Britain's prestigious Booker Prize -- John Berger relates the story of "G.," a young man forging an energetic sexual career in Europe during the early years of this century. With profound compassion, Berger explores the hearts and minds of both men ... More »

92. Under the Volcano

By Malcolm Lowry | 英国诗人、小说家(1909-1957)

Geoffrey Firmin, a former British consul, has come to Quauhnahuac, Mexico. His debilitating malaise is drinking, an activity that has overshadowed his life. On the most fateful day of the consul's life—the Day of the Dead, 1938—his wife, Yvonne, arrives in Quauhnahuac, inspired by a vision of life ... More »

93. Conversation in the Cathedral

By Mario Vargas Llosa | 略萨,诺贝尔文学奖得主

A Haunting tale of power, corruption, and the complex search for identity Conversation in The Cathedral takes place in 1950s Peru during the dictatorship of Manuel A. Odría. Over beers and a sea of freely spoken words, the conversation flows between two individuals, Santiago and Ambrosia, who ... More »

94. The Blood of Others,他人的血

By Simone de Beauvoir,波伏娃

The Blood of Others (French: Le Sang des autres) is a novel by the French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir first published in 1945 and depicting the lives of several characters in Paris leading ... More »

95. In Praise of Hatred

By Khaled Khalifa | 叙利亚小说家,1964年生

1980s Syria, our young narrator is living a secluded life behind the veil in the vast and perfumed house of her grandparents in Aleppo. Her three aunts, Maryam the pious one; Safaa, the liberal; and the free-spirited Marwa, bring her up with the aid of their ever-devoted blind ... More »

96. Don Quixote,堂.吉诃德

By Miguel de Cervantes |  

Don Quixote, originally published in two parts in 1605 and 1615, stands as Cervantes' belated but colossal literary success. A work which has achieved mythic status, it is considered to have pioneered the modern novel. Don Quixote, a poor gentleman from La Mancha, Spain, entranced by ... More »

97. Pride and Prejudice,傲慢与偏见

By Jane Austen |  

Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society ... More »

98. Eugene Onegin, 叶甫盖尼·奥涅金

By Alexander Pushkin | 普希金

Still the benchmark of Russian literature 175 years after its first publication—now in a marvelous new translationPushkin's incomparable poem has at its center a young Russian dandy much like Pushkin in his attitudes and habits. Eugene Onegin, bored with the triviality of everyday life, takes a trip to ... More »

99. The Ghost Road

By Pat Barker | 英国女作家,1943年生

The final book in the Regeneration Trilogy, and winner of the 1995 Booker Prize   The Ghost Road is the culminating masterpiece of Pat Barker's towering World War I fiction trilogy. The time of the novel is the closing months of the ... More »

100. The President,总统先生,上海译文出版社

By Miguel Angel Asturias | 

Winner! Nobel Prize for Literature. Guatemalan diplomat and writer Miguel Angel Asturias (1899-1974) began this award-winning work while still a law student. It is a story of ruthless dictator and his schemes to dispose of a political adversary in an unnamed Latin American country usually identified as Guatemala. ... More »



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