层层自组装(layer-by-layer self-assembly,LBL)是上世纪90年代发展起来的一种操作简单、实现多功能的表面修饰方法。LBL主要利用静电、氢键等作用,即:带电基板在带相反电荷的聚电解质溶液中交替沉积制备聚电解质自组装多层膜(polyelectrolyte self-assembled mulilayers)。
浸涂法(Dip-coating, DC)层层组装是镁合金表面制备层层组装涂层的常用方法。然而,当镁合金被完全地浸没于电解质溶液之中,样品会出现不同程度的腐蚀(浸泡时间、取样速度、pH、表面均匀性等的因素的影响),所制备涂层的耐腐蚀性有限。为解决此问题,旋涂法(Spin-casting, SC)或许是不错的选择。
1. Adefect-free, dense and uniform coating was prepared by the spin-casting technique.
2. The spin-casting filmhad stronger hydrogen bonds than the dip-coating film.
3. Spin-castingsample possessed excellent corrosion resistance and adhesion strength.
4. Spin-casting method could well promote the formation of hydroxyapatite inHBSS.
该项工作发表在 Applied Surface Science, 2018, 434: 787–795.(可免费下载)
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram ofthe internal structure of the (PVP/PAA)10 films prepared by (a) D-C methodand (b) S-C method.
Fig.2. SEM morphology of (a, d)the D-C film, (b, e) the S-C filmand(c) the AZ31 substrate, (f) the elementalcomposition from point 1 to point 12.
Fig. 3. FT-IR spectra of(a) pure PVP, (b) pure PAA, (c) the D-Cfilm and (d) the S-C film.
Fig.4. Scratch results of (a) the D-C film and (b) the S-C film.
Fig. 5. Schematicillustration of the corrosion mechanism of the (PVP/PAA)10 films onAZ31 Mg alloys in HBSS.
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