


已有 8164 次阅读 2008-12-3 16:41 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:论文交流| 高分子, 聚乳酸, 药物控制释放, 可降解形状记忆高分子, 静电纺丝




2 药物控制释放纳米/靶向制剂的研究


(4) 可生物降解复合静电纺丝纳米纤维的应用研究

2001年后发表主要文章情况(注:* 表示通讯作者):

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1.        Shijun Shao, Shaobing Zhou*, Long Li, Jinrong Li, Chao Luo, Jianxin Wang, Xiaohong Li and Jie Weng, Osteoblast function on electrically conductive electrospun PLA/MWCNTs nanofibers, Biomaterials,2011, 32, 2821-2833.

2.        Chi Huang, Yangbo Zhou, Zhaomin Tang, Xing Guo, Zhiyong Qian and Shaobing Zhou*Synthesis of multifunctional Fe3O4 core/hydroxyapatite shell nanocomposites by biomineralizationDalton Trans., 2011, 40, 5026-5031.

3.        Yu Xiao, Tao Gong, Shaobing Zhou*The functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by in situ deposition of hydroxyapatiteBiomaterials 201031 5182-5190.

4.        Chi Huang,Yangbo Zhou,Yong Jin,Xiaofeng Zhou,Zhaomin Tang, Xing Guo and Shaobing Zhou*Preparation and characterization of temperature-responsive and magnetic nanomicellesJ. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21 (15), 5660 – 5670.

5.        Weijia Wang, Shaobing Zhou*, Laiyang Guo, Wei Zhi, XIaohong Li,Jie Weng,Investigation of endocytosis and cytotoxicity of poly-d,l-lactide -poly(ethylene glycol) nano/micro- particles in osteoblast cells, International Journal of Nanomedicine 2010:5 557–566.

1. Yu Xiao, Tao Gong, Shaobing Zhou*,The functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by in situ deposition of hydroxyapatite, Biomaterials, 2010, 31,5182-5190.

2. Lin Sun, Chi Huang, Tao Gong, Shaobing Zhou*,A biocompatible approach to surface modification: Biodegradable polymer functionalized super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles,Materials Science and Engineering C,2010, 30,583–589.

3. Aijun Zhao, Shaobing Zhou*, Qi Zhou,Tao Chen,Thermosensitive Micelles from PEG-Based Ether-anhydride Triblock Copolymers,Pharm Res, 2010, 27,1627-1643.

4. Aijun Zhao, Qi Zhou, Tao Chen, Jie Weng, Shaobing Zhou*,Amphiphilic PEG-based ether-anhydride terpolymers: Synthesis, characterization, and micellization,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2010,118,3576–3585.

5. Weijia Wang, Shijun Shao, Chao Luo, Shaobing Zhou*, Chitosan hollow nanospheres fabricated from biodegradable poly-D,L-lactide-poly(ethylene glycol) nanoparticle templates, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2010,76,376–383.

6. Hongsen Peng, Shaobing Zhou?, Jing Jiang, Tao Guo, Xiaotong Zheng, and Xiongjun Yu,Pressure-Induced Crystal Memory Effect of Spider Silk Proteins,J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 4636–4641.

7. Xiongjun Yu, Shaobing Zhou?, Xiaotong Zheng, Yu Xiao and Tao Guo,Influence of in Vitro Degradation of a Biodegradable Nanocomposite on Its Shape Memory Effect,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113 (41), 17630–17635.

8. Lin Sun, Shaobing Zhou?, Weijia Wang, Xiaohong Li, Jianxin Wang, Jie Weng, Preparation and characterization of porous biodegradable microspheres used for controlled protein delivery, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 2009,345,173–181.

9.Shaobing Zhou*, Xiaotong Zheng, Xiongjun Yu,et alHydrogen Bonding Interaction of Poly(D,L-Lactide)/hydroxyapatite NanocompositesChemistry of Materials, 2007192),247 – 253.  

1.         Hongsen Peng, Shaobing Zhou*, Jing Jiang, Tao Guo, Xiaotong Zheng, and Xiongjun YuPressure-Induced Crystal Memory Effect of Spider Silk ProteinsJ. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 4636–4641. SCI, IF4.086

2.         Xiongjun Yu, Shaobing Zhou*, Xiaotong Zheng, Yu Xiao and Tao GuoInfluence of in Vitro Degradation of a Biodegradable Nanocomposite on Its Shape Memory EffectJ. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113 (41), pp 17630–17635SCI, IF3.396

3.         Tao Guo, Shaobing Zhou*, Xiaotong Zheng and Jing Jiang, Modeling and Investigation of Interfacial Interaction between PLA and One Type of Deficient Hydroxyapatite,J. Phys. Chem. A, 2009, 113 (25), pp 7112–7123. SCI, IF2.871

4.         Xiongjun Yu, Shaobing Zhou*, Xiaotong Zheng, Tao Guo, Yu Xiaoand Botao Song A Biodegradable Shape Memory Nanocomposite with Dual-versatility of Thermal and Magnetic Field Sensitivity. Nanotechnology. 200920, 235702. SCI收录期刊, IF3.446.

5.         Xiaotong Zheng, Shaobing Zhou*, Yu Xiao, Xiongjun Yu, Xiaohong LiPeizhuo WuShape memory effect of poly(D,L-lactide)/Fe3O4 nanocomposites by inductive heating of magnetite particlesColloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces71 (2009), pp. 67-72.

6.         Weijia Wang, Shaobing Zhou*, Lin Sun, Chi Huang, Controlled delivery of paracetamol and protein at different stages from core–shell biodegradable microspheres, Carbohydrate Polymers, 79 (2010) 437–444.SCI收录期刊, IF2.644.

7.         Lin Sun, Shaobing Zhou*, Weijia Wang, Xiaohong Li, Jianxin Wang, Jie Weng, Preparation and characterization of porous biodegradable microspheres used for controlled protein delivery, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 345 (2009) 173–181.

8.         Xiaotong Zheng, Shaobing Zhou*, Yu Xiao, Xiongjun Yu, Bo Feng. In situ preparation and characterization of a novel Gelatin/ Poly ,L-lactide)/ Hydroxyapatite nanocomposite. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. Volume 91B, Issue 1, Date: October 2009, Pages: 181-190. SCI收录期刊, IF1.933

9.   Hongsen Peng, Shaobing Zhou?, Tao Guo, Yanshan Li, Xiaohong Li, Jianxin Wang, Jie Weng, In vitro degradation and release profiles for electrospun polymeric fibers containing paracetanol,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 66 (2008), pp.206-212.

10.       Xiaotong Zheng, Shaobing Zhou*, et al., Shape memory properties of poly(D,L-lactide)/ hydroxyapatite compositesBiomaterials20062724),4288–4295.

11.    Xiaotong Zheng, Shaobing Zhou*, Xiongjun Yu, Xiaohong Li, Bo Feng, Shuxin Qu, Jie WengEffect of In vitro degradation of poly(D,L-lactide)/ -tricalcium composite on its shape-memory propertiesJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2008Volume 86B Issue 1,Pages170–180.

12.   Zhou, S*.; Peng, H.; Yu, X.; Zheng, X.; Cui, W.; Zhang, Z.; Li, X.; Wang, J.; Weng, J.; Jia, W.; Li, F. Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Electrospun Spider Silk Fibroin/Poly(D,L-lactide) Composite Fiber, J. Phys. Chem. B.; 2008; 112(36); 11209-11216.

13.    Hongsen Peng, Shaobing Zhou*, Tao Guo, Yanshan Li, Xiaohong Li, Jianxin Wang, Jie Weng, In vitro degradation and release profiles for electrospun polymeric fibers containing paracetanol,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 66 (2008), pp.206-212.

14.    Shaobing Zhou*, Jing Sun, Lin Sun, Yanqin Dai, Liping Liu, Xiaohong Li, Jianxin Wang, Jie Weng, Wenxiang Jia, Zairong ZhangPreparation and characterization of interferon-loaded magnetic biodegradable microspheresJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. Volume 87B, Issue 1, Date: October 2008, Pages:189-196.

15.     Shaobing Zhou*, Qiuxiang Su,et alA novel in situ synthesis of dicalcium phosphate dehydrate nanocrystals in biodegradable polymer matrixMaterials Science and Engineering A 20064301-2),341–345.

16.        Shaobing Zhou*, Bing Song, Xiaohong Li, In vitro Degradation and Release profiles for Poly-dl-lactide Film Containing Paracetamol, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine,2007,1881623-1626.

17. Jing Sun Shaobing Zhou*,et al., Synthesis and Characterization of Biocompatible Fe3O4 Nanoparticles, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research,Part A, 200780A(2), 333-341.

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