

Подмосковные вечера

已有 4094 次阅读 2014-2-3 19:28 |个人分类:语言文学|系统分类:人文社科| 语言, 音乐, 莫斯科郊外的晚上

Подмосковные вечера Муз.: В.Соловьёв, сл.: Матусовский 

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Не слышны в саду даже шорохи     Всё здесь замерло до утра.
Everything has died down  /Not heard in the garden, even noises. шорох  沙沙声
Everything has died down until the morning.
 замертво 失掉知觉 dead,frozen; замер 计量
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги    Подмовсковные вечера!
If you only knew  how dear to me  
Речка движется и не движется,    Вся из лунног серебра.
The river is moving and (sometimes) not, All made of the moons silver.
Песня слышится и не слышится    В эти тихие вечера.  
The song can be heard and not heard in those quiet evenings
Что ж ты, милая, смотришь искоса,   Низко голову наклоня?
What are you, dear, look askance,斜视     Bending your head so low?  Низко-Low; наклоня-bent ;
Трудно высказать и не высказать    Всё, что на сердце у меня.
 It is difficult to express,  All that are in my heart.
А рассвет уже всё заметнее.    Так, пожалуйста, будь добра,  
And dawn is getting more noticeable.   So, please be so kind, заметнее-noticeable /уже  已经
Не забудь и ты эти летние     Подмовсковные вечера.
забудь -forget,  летние   -summer

Not even a whisper is to be heard in the garden,Everything has calmed down until dawn.
If you only knew how dear they are to me,The evenings near Moscow!
The river is moving and (sometimes) not,All made of the moons silver.
A song sounds and is not to be heard
In those quiet evenings.

Why do you, darling, look at me from the side,Bending your head so low?
It is not easy to tell  All the things that are in my heart.

And dawn is getting more and more visible.So, please, be so kind:
You, also, don't forget  These summer evenings near Moscow.  


Even whispers aren't heard in the garden,Everything has died down till morning.
If you only knew how dear to me
Are these Moscow nights.

The river moves, unmoving, All in silver moonlight.
A song is heard, yet unheard, In these silent nights.

Why do you, dear, look askance, 斜视 With your head lowered so?
It is hard to express, and hard to hold back,Everything that my heart holds.

But the dawn's becoming ever brighter.So please, just be good.
Don't you, too, forget
These summer, Moscow nights.

中文     voices

深夜花园里四处静悄悄 只有风儿在轻轻唱

夜色多么好 心儿多爽朗 在这迷人的晚上

小河静静流微微泛波浪 水面映着银色月光

一阵清风一阵歌声 多么幽静的晚上

我的心上人坐在我身旁 默默看着我不作声

我想对你讲 但又难为情 多少话儿留在心上

长夜快过去天色蒙蒙亮 衷心祝福你好姑娘

但愿从今后 你我永不忘 莫斯科郊外的晚上

  Moscow Nights   vocal  

Stillness in the grove     Not a rustling sound    Softly shines the moon clear and bright
Dear, if you could know  How I treasure so   This most beautiful Moscow Night  

Lazily the brook like a silvery stream  Ripples in the light of the moon    
And a song afar fades as in a dream  In this night that will end too soon  

Yes a song afar fades as in a dream In this night that will end too soon  
Dearest, why so sad, why the downcast eyes  And your lovely head bent so low
Oh, I mustn't speak, though I'd love to say    That you've stolen my heart away
Promise me my love, as the dawn appears And the darkness turns into light
That you'll cherish dear, through the passing years This most beautiful Moscow Night
Say you'll cherish dear through the passing years  This most beautiful Moscow Night

Le Temps du Muguet  (Dorothee)  vocal   more   vocal-kuwo   more
Il est revenu Le Temps Du Muguet    Comme un vieil ami retrouvé
Il est revenu flaner le long des quais   Jusqu'au banc où je t'attendais
Et j'ai vu refleurir  L'éclat de ton sourire
Aujourd'hui plus beau que jamais
Le Temps Du Muguet ne dure jamais
Plus longtemps que le mois de mai
Quand tous ses bouquets déjà seront fanés
Pour nous deux rien n'aura changé
Aussi belle qu'avant  Notre chanson d'amour
Chantera comme au premier jour  Il s'en est allé Le Temps Du Muguet
Comme un vieil ami fatigué  Pour toute une année pour se faire oublier
En partant il nous a laissé  Un peu de son printemps
Un peu de ses vingt ans  Pour s'aimer pour s'aimer longtemps.

 other versions

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