

对比阅读:康德 形而上学导论

已有 3371 次阅读 2017-6-1 17:03 |个人分类:哲学|系统分类:科研笔记| 形而上学, 康德

Prolegomena to Any FutureMetaphysics  未来形而上学导论




Critique of the Pure Reason)  but the Critique, “which discusses the pure faculty of reason 纯理性 in its whole compass and bounds, will remain the foundation, to which the Prolegomena导论, as a preliminary exercise,refer; for our critique must first be established as a complete and perfected science, before we can think of letting metaphysics appear on the scene, or even have the most distant hope of attaining it.


compass罗盘;  圆规; 界限Prolegomena前言,绪论;  preliminary初步的,preliminary exercise,初级练习;  perfected使熟练( perfect的过去式和过去分词 ); 使完全;  appear on the scene出场; 登场; 受到人们注意or even乃至,以至

161 Awakening from Dogmatic Slumbers


Since the Essays of Locke and Leibniz, or rather since the origin of metaphysics so far as we know its history, nothing has ever happened which was more decisive to its fate than theattack made upon it by David Hume. He threw no light on this species ofknowledge, but he certainly struck a spark from which light might have been obtained, had it caught some inflammable substance and had its smoldering fire been carefully nursed and developed.

//Seit Lockes und Leibnizens Versuchen,oder vielmehr seit dem Entstehen der Metaphysik,  so weit die Geschichte  derselben  reicht, hat sich keine Begebenheit zugetragen, die in Ansehung des Schicksals dieser Wissenschaft hätte  entscheidender werden können,als der Angriff,den David Hume auf dieselbe machte. Er brachte kein Licht in diese Art von Erkenntnis, aber er schlug  doch einen Funken, ……//


   Hume started from a single but important concept in Metaphysics, viz.,that of Cause and Effect  (including its derivatives force and action, etc.). He challenges reason, which pretends to have  given birth to this idea from herself,  to answer him by what right she thinks anything to be so constituted,that if that thing be posited, something else also must necessarily be posited;for this is the  meaning of the concept of cause.


He demonstrated irrefutably that it was perfectly impossible for reason to think a priori and by means of concepts a combination involving necessity. We cannot at all see why, inconsequence of the existence of one thing, another must necessarily exist, or how the concept of such a combination can arise a priori.


Hence he inferred, that reason was altogether deluded with reference to this concept, which she erroneously considered as one of her children, whereas in reality it was nothing but a bastard of imagination, impregnated by experience, which subsumed (把……归入) certain representations under the Law of Association,and mistook the subjective necessity of habit for an objective necessity arising from insight.

因而他又断言:理性并没有能力即使一般地去思维这样的连结,否则它的诸概念就会纯粹是一些虚构,而它的一切所谓先天知识就都不过是一些打上错误烙印的普通经验了,这就等于说没有,也不可能有形而上学这样的东西。 *

Hence he inferred that reason had no power to think such combinations, even generally, because her concepts would then be purely fictitious, and all her pretended a priori cognitions nothing but common experiences marked with a false stamp. In plain language there is not, and cannot be, any such thing as metaphysics at all.



The question was not whether the concept of cause was right, useful, and even indispensable 必需 for our knowledge of nature, for this Hume had never doubted;  but whether that concept could be thought by reason a priori, and consequently whether it possessed an inner truth, independent of all experience, implying a wider application than merely to the objects of experience. This was Hume's problem.


It was a question concerning the concept's origin, not concerning the indispensable need of the concept. Were the former decided, the conditions of the use and the sphere of its valid application would have been determined as a matter of course.

as amatter of course自然而然; 自然,通常; 势所必然


But to satisfy the conditions of the problem, the opponents of the great thinker should have penetrated very deeply into the natureof reason, so far as it is concerned with pure thinking,- -a task which did not suit them. They found a more convenient method of being defiant without any insight, viz., the appeal to common sense.


It is indeed a great gift of God, to possess right, or(as they now call it) plain common sense. But this common sense must be shown practically, by well-considered and reasonable thoughts and words, not by appealing to it as an oracle, when no rational justification can be advanced.


To appeal to common sense,when insight and science fail, and no sooner--this is one of the subtle discoveries of modern times, by means of which the most superficial ranter can safely enter the lists with the most thorough thinker, and hold his own. ranter (说大话)


But as long as a particle of insight remains, no one would think of having recourse 依靠to this subterfuge.遁词 For what is it but an appeal to the opinion of the multitude, of whose applause the philosopher is ashamed, while the popular charlatan骗子glories and confides in it?


I should think that Hume might fairly have laid as much claim to common sense as Beattie, and in addition to a critical reason (such as the latter did not possess), which keeps common sense in check and prevents it from speculating, or, if speculations are under discussion restrains the desire to decide because it cannot satisfy itself concerning its own arguments. / speculations思考; 投机买卖( speculation的名词复数 );推断./ under discussion 正在讨论。


By this means alone can common sense 常识remain sound. Chisels and hammers may suffice to work a piece of wood, but for steel-engraving we require an engraver's needle. Thus common sense and speculative understanding are each useful in their own way, the former in judgments which apply immediately to experience, the latter when we judge universally from mere concepts, as in metaphysics, where sound common sense, so called in spite of the inapplicability 不适用适宜of the word, has no right to judge at all.

 ①里德(ThomasReid,1710-1796)、奥斯瓦尔德(James Osward, ?-1793)、毕提(James Beatie,1735-1803)都是英国苏格兰学派哲学家。这个学派的特点是推崇“良知”(即正常人的正确判断能力),反对休谟的观念说。普里斯特列(Joseph Priestley,1733-1804)是英国哲学家兼科学家,氧的发现者,他和休谟实际上都是继承英国唯物主义者培根和霍布斯的经验论的路线;不过,休谟从经验论向主观唯心主义方向发展,而普里斯特列从经验论向唯物主义方向发展,这是他反对休谟的原因。——译者


I openly confess, the suggestion of David Hume was the very thing, which many years ago first interrupted my dogmatic slumber, and gave my investigations in the field of speculative philosophy quite a new direction.

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