科研-教学-学习之间的张力分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/pikeliu 求是育英,海纳百川。 教我育我,终生难忘。



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IP: 114.91.26.*   [3]刘玉仙   2012-9-30 17:43
我的回复(2012-10-2 13:58):谢谢!也祝你长假快乐!
IP: 114.91.29.*   [2]刘玉仙   2012-1-23 11:40
IP: 130.237.35.*   [1]徐磊   2009-5-15 00:42
I wonder how many articles on earth are writen by yourself? For those which were published on sciencenet.cn, I don"t think there is any necessity to repost it on your blog. I mean, of course, it should be ok that you share someone else"s vision and experience as long as it helps, however, you should have your personal opinion. Otherwise, I don"t understand why you need a blog?
博主回复:Thanks for your comment. I like being here, and to preserve something important on my own blog. Forgive my selfishness. Thank you!

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