I am re-submitting my manuscript xxx-2017-0084.R1. Reviewer seems to be lacking in the basic knowledge of special theory of relativity, EM wave theory, and in the understanding of anisotropic media. The Review Report is filled up with layman words, and no one of the criticisms is correct.
Responses to the comments by Associate Editor and Reviewer, and a list of changes are attached.
Dear Prof. xxxxxx, I have clarified all criticisms by Reviewer, and found that no one of the Reviewer’s criticisms is correct. Especially, Reviewer’s criticism_(ii) is really absurd mathematically. I am requesting that my resubmission could be considered. Thank you for your attention.
本来想在 Cover Letter 中建议审稿人”go back to school", 但还是把它 delete 了。目前的稿件 Status 是 “Under Review"。
俺一篇稿件一审 1.5 个月,Minor Revision;小修重投后重新审稿,5.5个月后退稿。
博主回复(2017-9-11 13:00):拒稿的具体原因是什么呢?
---------------------- 一审 1.5 个月 给 Minor Revision,但没有指明修什么,也没有任何批评意见。俺象征性地改了一个术语(相当于 “土豆”改成 “马铃薯”)。小修重投后 5.5 个月后退稿,拒稿的具体原因是俺论文的结论是错的:
Associate Editor Comments to the Author:
The referee has pointed out that the conclusions of the paper are invalid due to errors in analysis. It is not suitable for publication in the xxxxx.
"... I reiterate my recommendation against publication of this manuscript."