智林的科学之路分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/oliviazhang Sparse Signal Recovery, Bayesian Learning, Biomedical Signal Processing, Smart-Watch, Smart-Home, Health Monitoring


热度 4 2012-10-8 19:49
3947 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 4
Yes, let's Move From Sparsity to Structured Sparsity
2012-10-2 19:31
申明:本篇博文转自我的英文博客:http://marchonscience.blogspot.com/ Igor wrote a cool post in Nuit Blanche yesterday: Pushing the Boundaries in Compressive Sensing by proposing the following questions: Given that compressive sensing is based on an argument of sparsity ...
个人分类: 经验交流|4341 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 2012-10-2 07:53
前几天在看《空杯心态》,对其中的“人生如茶,空杯以对”深有感触,觉得如果一个人在人生态度,事业态度,和科研态度上都保持这种心态,将会成功或者更加成功。所以便在gmail的签名档上写上了“人生如茶,空杯以对”这句话。 不到1天,就有好几个朋友发信给我,很关切的问我,我最近怎样?怎么这么感伤?一切可好?谢谢, ...
3121 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
我们一篇脑电信号的压缩感知文章被IEEE T-BME接收了
热度 3 2012-9-24 14:18
Our paper on compressed sensing of EEG for wireless telemonitoring has been accepted by IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering. Here is the summary of this paper: (1) EEG在时域不是稀疏的,在其它变换域(比如离散余弦变换域,小波域)也不是稀疏的(如上图中左下子图所示); (2) 对于这种非稀疏信 ...
个人分类: 我的论文|10892 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 3
Approximate Message Passing vs. Sparse Bayesian Learning?
2012-8-7 05:19
上周Nuit Blanche发了一篇博文《More intra-block correlation and sparse sensing matrices》,内容是The Ohio State University的Phil写给他的一封邮件,其中介绍了Phil组里最近投出的基于Approximate Message Passing (AMP)的压缩传感(Compressed Sensing, CS)算法。信中最后说道,“ we get performance that meets o ...
个人分类: 我的论文|15824 次阅读|没有评论

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