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经典图书推荐之 毒理学领域

已有 6010 次阅读 2009-12-15 15:16 |个人分类:图书推荐|系统分类:科研笔记

1、书名:Bioavailability : physical, chemical, and biological interactions
ISBN 1566700868
作者:Jerry L. Hamelink
馆藏:总馆,索取号 56.31083 B615 1992
介绍:Practical and provocative, Bioavailability reviews prevalent understanding of the physical-chemical-biological mechanisms that control the bioavailability of both organic and inorganic contaminants in aquatic environments.oDiscusses the complex issues that surround many regulatory issuesoEmphasizes the need to identify and control that portion of the total concentration that is biologically available and can cause adverse effects, i.e., "active"oExamines the influence of dynamic factors, such as pH, alkalinity, and light on these mechanismsoAddresses the subject of speciation for both organic and inorganic contaminants 。(Proceedings of a workshop held in Pellston, Michigan, in 1992, sponsored by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
2、书名:Principles of Biochemical Toxicology
作者:Timbrell, John
馆藏:武汉分馆,上海生命科学信息中心,中国科技大学图书馆 63.33/T583/3rd ed(可以在rapidshare上下载到这本书的PDF电子版,而且是4th Ed,想了解关于rapidshare的,可以参考另一篇博文http://blog.imhb.cn/blog/BlogDetail.aspx?uid=544157&bid=61370,)
介绍:This leading textbook in the field examines the mechanisms underlying toxicity, particularly the events at the molecular level and the factors that determine and affect toxicity. The new edition is updated to reflect the latest research into the biochemical basis of toxicology and the growing concerns over the adverse effects of drugs, environmental pollution, and occupational hazards. Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition thoroughly explains dose-response relationships, disposition and metabolism, and toxic responses to foreign compounds, and presents detailed examples to make the mechanisms of toxicity more accessible to students encountering the subject for the first time. Comprehensive in scope with a clear and concise approach, the text includes summary sections, questions and model answers, and thoroughly revised artwork that serves as an essential aid to learning and teaching. New to the Fourth Edition:reorganized sections that cover basic principles followed by sections on different types of toxicity extensive use of examples throughout and numerous explanatory diagrams new material on risk assessment, export systems, oxidative stress, Thalidomide, Tamoxifen and asbestos proliferators, domoic acid, bone marrow (benzene), heart (adriamycin), blood (primaquine), biomarkers, cytochrome P450 and other enzymes, receptor mediated effects, endocrine disruption, ethanol, botox, arsenic, and more questions with answers for each chapter for review and self-checking expanded and updated chapter bibliographiesd
3书名:Environmental Toxicology
作者:David A. Wright
馆藏:总馆, 63.3399 792 为中文翻译版(出版年:2007
(当时查rapidshare的时候碰到了这本书Introduction to Environmental Toxicology: Impacts of Chemicals Upon Ecological Systems Third Edition2003年出版, 一并也下载了,想看英文的,可以去下载或者跟我联系。书的内容介绍参考:The rapidly evolving field of environmental toxicology involves the study of toxic compounds and their effect on living organisms, as well as their fate within the natural environment. Since publication of the first edition, Introduction to Environmental Toxicology has found a secure place among the major texts and references in this field. Introduction to Environmental Toxicology, Third Edition seamlessly covers processes and impacts from the molecular level all the way up to population levels. While retaining the strengths of previous editions, the third edition includes a new chapter on fluoride, an update on endocrine disruption, a discussion of the use of models to reconstruct concentration-response curves, expansion of the metals chapter, and new developments in ecological risk assessment for management decisions at site to regional scales. It is an ideal text for introducing students to the fields of ecotoxicology and risk assessment.
4、书名:Target Organ Toxicity in Marine and Freshwater Teleosts
作者:Daniel Schlenk (Editor), William H. Benson (Editor)
馆藏:国图,索取号Q959.4 (可以通过馆际互借来借阅这本书)
介绍:A collection of research on specific target organs of marine and freshwater teleosts, describing how various environmentally-acquired toxic agents disrupt the normal physiological processes.
明天再贴生态学领域的经典图书系列,先做个预告,生态学家应该读的20本书。嗯,不是我说的,是生态学权威Paul A. Keddy说的。


上一篇:经典图书推荐之 生态学领域--生态学家应该读的20本书(part 1)
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