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Advances in Ecological Research的部分文献推荐

已有 4409 次阅读 2009-12-15 15:14 |个人分类:资源推荐|系统分类:科研笔记


昨天回答咨询问题时碰到Advances in Ecological Research,这个刊总分馆有纸本的订购但没有电子的,其实每卷是独立成册视同图书的,可以在elsevier数据库中查看每卷的目录信息(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652504)。无意中发现rapidshare居然有这刊的一些卷全文可以直接下载(有些内容还比较经典,摘录一部分,供大家参考)。感兴趣的可以参考elsevier的链接网址上的介绍信息去国科图借纸本的看,不方便借书的可以去rapidshare下载。
Estuaries,Advances_in_Ecological_Research ,Volume 29, Pages iii-vii, 1-306 (1999) 
Edited by: D.B. Nedwell and D.G. Raffaelli ISBN: 9780120139293
1、Catchment Properties and the Transport of Major Elements to Estuaries
2、Nutrients in Estuaries
3、Primary Production by Phytoplankton and Microphytobenthos in Estuaries
4、Water Flow. Sediment Dynamics and Benthic Biology
5、Ecology of Estuarine Macrobenthos
6、Integrated Coastal Management: Sustaining Estuarine Natural Resources
Classic Papers,Advances_in_Ecological_Research,Volume 34, Pages 1-368 (2004)
Edited by: H. Caswell ISBN: 978-0-12-013934-7
1、The Direct Effects of Increase in the Global Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Natural and Commercial Temperate Trees and Forests [Originally Published in Volume 19 (this series), pp 1–55, 1989]
2、Ecology of Coarse Woody Debris in Temperate Ecosystems [Originally Published in Volume 15 (this series), pp 133–302, 1986]
3、A Theory of Gradient Analysis [Originally Published in Volume 18 (this series), pp 271–317, 1988]
4、Inherent Variation in Growth Rate Between Higher Plants: A Search for Physiological Causes and Ecological Consequences [Originally Published in Volume 23 (this series), pp 187–261, 1992]
第37卷(2005年)关注Laboratory Ecology,
Population Dynamics and Laboratory Ecology ,Advances_in_Ecological_Research Volume 37, Pages 1-374 (2005) 
Edited by: Robert A. Desharnais   ISBN: 978-0-12-013937-8
1、Understanding Ecological Concepts: The Role of Laboratory Systems
2、Complexity, Evolution, and Persistence in Host-Parasitoid Experimental Systems With Callosobruchus Beetles as the Host
3、Population Dynamics, Life History, and Demography: Lessons From Drosophila
4、Nonlinear Stochastic Population Dynamics: The Flour Beetle Tribolium as an EVective Tool of Discovery
5、Population Dynamics in a Noisy World: Lessons From a Mite Experimental System
6、Global Persistence Despite Local Extinction in Acarine Predator-Prey Systems: Lessons From Experimental and Mathematical Exercises
7、Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Experimental Plankton Communities
8、The Contribution of Laboratory Experiments on Protists to Understanding Population and Metapopulation Dynamics
9、Microbial Experimental Systems in Ecology
10、Parasitism Between Co-Infecting Bacteriophages
11、Constructing Nature: Laboratory Models as Necessary Tools for Investigating Complex Ecological Communities
Birds and Climate Change,Advances_in_Ecological_Research,Volume 35, Pages 1-251 (2004) 
Edited by: A Moller, W Fiedler, and P Berthold ISBN: 978-0-12-013935-4
1、Arrival and Departure Dates
2、Migratory Fuelling and Global Climate Change
3、Using Large-Scale Data from Ringed Birds for the Investigation of Effects of Climate Change on Migrating Birds: Pitfalls and Prospects
4、Breeding Dates and Reproductive Performance
5、Global Climate Change Leads to Mistimed Avian Reproduction
6、Analysis and Interpretation of Long-Term Studies Investigating Responses to Climate Change
7、Photoperiodic Response and the Adaptability of Avian Life Cycles to Environmental Change
8、Microevolutionary Response to Climatic Change
9、Climate Influences on Avian Population Dynamics
10、Importance of Climate Change for the Ranges,Communities and Conservation of Birds
11、The Challenge of Future Research on Climate Change and Avian Biology
Advances_in_Ecological_Research,Volume 33, Pages 1-228 (2003)
ISBN: 978-0-12-013933-0
1、The Evolutionary Ecology of Carnivorous Plants
2、Trophic Interactions in Population Cycles of Voles and Lemmings: A Model-Based Synthesis
3、Scale Effects and Extrapolation in Ecological Experiments
4、The Evolutionary Ecology of Carnivorous Plants
Advances_in_Ecological_Research, Volume 32, Pages 1-264 (2001)
ISBN: 978-0-12-013932-3
1、Stochastic Demography and Conservation of an Endangered Perennial Plant (Lomatium bradshawii) in a Dynamic Fire Regime
2、Population Cycles in Birds of the Grouse Family (Tetraonidae)
3、Ecophysiology of Trees of Seasonally Dry Tropics: Comparisons among Phenologies
4、Meta-analysis in Ecology



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