

2014-8-26 13:18
吴立先生: 您好,您申请的国家自然科学基金已获资助。您还将收到一封通知填写计划书的email,其中包含登录系统的用户名和密码,请按照要求及时提交研究计划书。 如有任何疑问,请及时与单位科研处或基金委联系。              地球科学部一处(地理学科)冷疏影 为了使科学基金评 ...
6575 次阅读|没有评论
Impact of Holocene climate change on the prehistoric culture
2014-6-10 06:49
Wu, L. , et al., 2014. Impact of Holocene climate change on the prehistoriccultures of Zhejiang region, East China. Journalof Geographical Sciences 24(4),669-688, doi: 10.1007/s11442-014-1112-4. 06吴立.pdf
2592 次阅读|没有评论
热度 5 2014-4-16 14:25
最近,咱们学校终于通过职称和奖励的修订稿将EI会议论文列入黑名单,从此不在算数,只认可EI-JA检索类型的与SCIE等同看待。从此,我估计很快的,EI会议论文在安徽省就会彻底没出路了。 其实,大家都知道,目前国内确实会议论文大泛滥,这是很不正常的现象,而且许多论文明显 ...
5604 次阅读|9 个评论 热度 5
2014-2-9 10:17
吴立 . 巢湖石特征与开发研究 . 学士学位论文 . 芜湖:安徽师范大学, 2007. 0311067吴立学士学位论文.pdf
2615 次阅读|没有评论
Analysis of structural characteristics and driving factors
2014-2-9 10:13
Wu, L. , et al., 2013. Analysis of structural characteristics and driving factors for polder landscape based on Landsat ETM+ data in the East Chaohu Area, China . IEEE GRSS Proceedings of GEOINFORMATICS , doi: 10.1109/Geoinformatics.2013.6626024 . 06626024- ...
2608 次阅读|没有评论
Design and realization on the Object-oriented Remote Sensing
2014-2-9 10:10
Wu, L. , et al., 2011. Design and realization on the Object-oriented Remote Sensing Archaeological Information System . IEEE Proceedings of RSETE 4, 3050-3053, doi: 10.1109/RSETE.2011.5964958. AR62294-offprint.pdf
2731 次阅读|没有评论
Relationship between archaeological sites distribution and
2014-2-9 09:28
Li, L., Wu, L. , et al., 2011. Relationshipbetween archaeological sites distribution and environment from 1.15 Ma BP to278 BC in Hubei Province . Journal of Geographical Sciences 21 (5), 909-925, doi: 10.1007/s11442-011-0889-7. 20110511.pdf
2517 次阅读|没有评论
Problems caused by the Three Gorges Dam construction in the
2014-2-9 09:26
Li, K., Zhu, C., Wu, L. , et al., 2013. Problems caused by the Three Gorges Dam constructionin the Yangtze River basin: a review. Environmental Reviews 21 (3), 127-135, doi: 10.1139/er-2012-0051. er-2012-005100000-plus.pdf
2914 次阅读|没有评论

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