张生家磁遗传文章 Long, X., Ye, J., Zhao, D. Zhang, S.J. Magnetogenetics: remote non-invasive magnetic activation of neuronal activity with a magnetoreceptor. Sci. Bull. (Beijing) 60 , 2107–2119 (2015)。被自然神经科学首次引用,http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/n ...
这个有点类似张峰的专利,先是夺人眼球,最后一看专利旁落人家。 德国公司 Forward Pharma 要横刀夺爱 In 2014, we made significant progress in advancing our intellectual property portfolio. The following summarizes the current status of several of our most important U.S. and European patents and pa ...