Dear Prof. 程代展
Here is a letter I wrote to the editorial office of ScienceNet:
Dear Sirs, I note that in recent years your office instituted the rule that no changes are allowed on blog articles after 48 hours of posting. I can understand that. However, an unintended (I suspect) consequence of this is that no comments/reply are allowed also after 48 hours. This is probably due to a software problem which treat the blog as well as any text associated with the blog, e.g., comments, as one unit.
This is unfortunate. For example, I have known Academician 张嗣瀛 since 1981 . We both worked on "differential games". We visited each other at NEU, Tsingdao U, and Harvard for extended period of time. I have many interesting stories about the life of Academician Zhang to add to the article by prof.程代展 but was prevented to do so since I was on a trip and did not read the article by prof.程代展 until too late. Furthermore, I often myself found comments on my blog articles years after posting which indicated that the opinion, good or bad, stood the test of time. These are now no longer possible due to this software glitch. I urge the editorial office of ScienceNet find a way around this problem that will allow comments to blog articles forever.
Thank you for your attention.
Yu-Chi ho
Member of CAS, CAE, and US-NAE
我的回复(2019-10-15 09:49):Dear Prof. Ho,
I am so glad to hear from you.
Unfortunately, I am not able to read whole your letter because it was truncated by the space limitation.
I will appliciate it very much if you can send it to my e-mail:
Yours respectfully,
我的回复(2019-10-15 09:38):Dear Liangzhukun,
Thank you for your interest in my autobiography. The book will be published soon. Because of the copyright, the old blogs have be deleted.