叶老师,您好!我想请教您关于COHP计算的问题。我在用lobster (结合VASP)时,在文件夹里放入INCAR,POSCAR,POTCAR,KPOINT, lobsterin, 运行VASP得到WAVECAR后,运行~/bin/lobster出现如下错误:(想请教老师这是什么原因造成的,非常感谢!)
LOBSTER v2.0.0 (g++ 5.2.0)
Code written and copyrighted (C) 2013-2015 by Stefan Maintz. All rights reserved.
starting on host glogin1 on 2016-07-14 at 06:03:46 PDT using 32 threads
detecting used PAW program...
ERROR: could not determine which program was used for the quantum-chemical calculation.
ERROR: Make sure all required files are in the working directory and are not empty.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): QC-Code could not be detected.