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IP: 180.130.149.*   [43]李升伟   2023-3-12 10:59

并请指教:科学网—关于参考文献管理软件 - 李升伟的博文  https://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=2636671&do=blog&id=1380020
IP: 218.199.207.*   [42]王一君   2019-12-20 12:15
IP: 182.101.62.*   [41]Hye2018   2017-5-2 17:18
我的回复(2017-5-3 20:22):好的,谢谢!也欢迎您加我微信: wsyokemos.
IP: 171.80.223.*   [40]meimeiziyan   2015-10-12 14:38
我的回复(2015-10-16 08:26):您说的这个药,我不了解,C14只是放射性同位素碳14,半衰期确实很长,但是,它对您的影响取决于药物本身的半衰期,既然这个药本身临床允许使用,肯定是安全的,不用担心,C14的放射性可以忽略不计,对人体基本没有影响,药物本身标记C14,剂量肯定很小。
IP: 42.242.191.*   [39]李升伟   2015-6-29 10:49
我的回复(2015-6-30 06:45):多谢!
我的回复(2015-6-30 06:45):多谢!
我的回复(2015-6-30 06:45):多谢!
IP: 123.10.221.*   [38]徐俊磊   2014-11-4 12:14
About Ebola.      

Hello, I am 3 years ago had the honor to know the Ebola virus is coming. We were talking about some things, I also said that several new methods of disease treatment. Suddenly, like a signal transfer to my brain, eyes flashed Africa outbreak of plague and Chinese arid two things, and then see an angry face gradually disappeared, very strong. That is my life in the second, so very certainly also let them record. Results this year, other than just happened I said this two things are happening.

I experienced something this year, and I was also the same description. So, I want to give you the treatment method of the Ebola virus, I can certainly can. I contacted the media, the White House, Germany, Chinese government, Britain and Italy, and the world health. I English is not good, the White House is calling, the other is email reply but some irrelevant some no reply. I do not know is the government blocked messages or not reported. I'm pretty sure do not venture.

Ebora virus originated in the fruit bat is indeed the case, now spread ability is different from the past despite the same only spread through body fluids. It has several categories of other local outbreak of a period of time the emergence of a new class of Congo gold, from this we can see that the fundamental laws of nature can not reach the plague they will disappear, who also can't explain. It is in the fruit bat body itself exists but before has not spread, there is a fruit bat is fine enough to prove that it exist inside of a microorganism capable of inhibiting the Ebola virus. Some time ago a Zhongshan hospital found that a virus can attack cancer cells, this is the same reason. USA also have such treatments, but I worry that they think in the bat body seek. Zmapp belongs to the animal serum, there are animal antibody, some people will happen rejection so some invalid. But the disease treatment method is excellent, I'm sick need for Zmapp than Ebola but I know it can cure my disease. It's all arranged he gave you an olive branch to see your answer. Methods of treatment only a little effect of the vaccine. So how human virus antibody strongly may play a very good effect? So the effect of treatment in Thailand is not. All of these excluded that only my method is the most rapid and efficient short time can be mass production. I'm pretty sure.

A few days ago USA revealed the presence of dark matter space, I think dark matter may be our contact with the outside world channel. It runs through the whole universe, information transfer is very fast. There are some we don't find the characteristics, which may be the origin of gravitation, and material quality reasons! Wenzhou this year, a river for more than an hour into the blood, I don't know if you noticed, news appeared I noticed. Because I said, I want red a river of Wenzhou. This thing once gone below, presumed to be contaminants but not be detected what. This I can guarantee that they absolutely can not be detected, the government may be blocked the news. But now it must publicly because he allowed! I was an introverted people never do such a thing, but to my disease also to Africa people I should get up the courage to spread outward, nor can I control.

I like the white house call, the operator said that someone has already talked to them, I just is the longest, he said he would talk to Obama but I now suspect. I English bad communication barriers, sometimes can only send messages may not pay attention to, so big thing I think you must! You don't meet no one dare to pick, most people are all I trust you will believe you, hope I don't disappoint me! Thank you! I send a fax on the outside in order to avoid unnecessary trouble using English.

I am willing to bear the legal liability!

Phone 18272953480

                                                                                   Xu Junlei

IP: 74.104.124.*   [37]王守业   2014-10-22 06:26

IP: 103.19.64.*   [36]方宏清   2014-10-21 16:45
方宏清 fanghongqing@aliyun.com
IP: 202.118.28.*   [35]David3883   2014-9-20 10:12
科学网喻海良的博客非常有名,至今仍在周排行排第5位。看了他的简历,“2011年5月~2014年5月 沈阳大学,教授”,可是,在沈阳大学所有的网页上却找不到他的名字,实在是奇怪!
喻海良在博文 “这篇文章为什么我选择在PLOSOne上发表”回复jiangjiaomei 的评论,认为浏览量甚至强于citation,对吗?
IP: 71.237.204.*   [34]zhang422   2014-8-26 13:43
我的回复(2014-8-26 20:59):谢谢版主!我虽然不是医学圈子里的,但是离圈子不算远,与我朝夕相处的人就是圈内人。
IP: 210.31.76.*   [33]牛登科   2014-8-21 21:24
这两类期刊的相关人员,觉得自己很冤,与Jeffrey Beall交涉不管有没有结果,至少可能会跟你联系。我也写过一篇类似博文,也是加精后点击率比较高,引来很多麻烦。
我的回复(2014-8-21 23:22):多谢牛老师提醒!
IP: 116.1.55.*   [32]chongbai123   2014-2-17 23:38

一般神经科学或者脑科学的人是不是都和本实验的人谈恋爱呐,如果男女朋友两人都是学生物的一定是段很独特美妙的爱情吧,还有可能在一个实验室一起学习工作, 要是和其他行业的在一起,估计很难有共同语言或者时间机遇呢,而且会耽误科研的吧?

IP: 128.84.124.*   [31]贾鹤鹏   2014-2-6 21:00
守业老师,新年好,祝您马年万事如意。请问您还住在芝加哥附近么?我现在在康乃尔。下周在芝加哥召开的美国科学促进会年会,您会去么?如果去,我可以当面向您请教。我的美国电话是6178037910。hj352@cornell.edu 谢谢您。鹤鹏
IP: 192.168.0.*   [30]俞立   2014-1-31 14:15
王老师,祝您新春愉快,马年吉祥 :)
我的回复(2014-1-31 18:47):多谢您的祝福,也祝您新年愉快!
IP: 122.225.72.*   [29]董文鸳   2013-12-24 14:38
    您好!若您有使用Google Scholar的经历,我们诚恳地邀请您参与“科研人员使用Google Scholar的影响因素”的问卷调查。网址是:http://www.sojump.com/jq/2979618.aspx。非常感谢您的配合!
IP: 1.83.78.*   [27]李蕾   2013-9-16 08:23
      问卷地址是:http://www.sojump.com/jq/2709468.aspx 将此链接复制进浏览器的地址栏,然后按回车键即可,非常感谢您!!!
IP: 118.186.2.*   [25]channning   2013-9-5 16:05
我的回复(2013-9-6 08:27):多谢关注!已经给您发邮件,请查收。
IP: 125.39.238.*   [24]高铁杠   2013-8-31 15:50

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