Налимов В.В. Количественные методы исследования процесса развития науки. Вопросы философии, 1966, №12, с.38-47. Nalimov, V.V. Kolichestvennye metody issledovaniya protsesa razvitiya nauki (Quantitative metho ...
李杰 著. 科学计量学导论 . 北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社. 2025. 《科学计量学导论》学者推荐语 Ronald Rousseau(ISSI前主席、普赖斯奖获得者) Science, the study of its principles as studied through the science of science, and the metrics used to measure scientific activity ar ...
Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? 注释:上述诗句节选自 The Rock 《磐石》 (1934) ,作者为 T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) ,因 “ 对当代诗歌作出的卓越先锋贡献 ...
The Rock …… The endless cycle of idea and action, Endless invention, endless experiment, Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness; Knowledge of speech, but not of silence; Knowledge of words, and ignorance of the Word. All our knowledge brings us neare ...
All the Nobel Laureates in Physics from 1901-2022 🏅📑 1901: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen 1902: Hendrik Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman 1903: Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie 1904: Lord Rayleigh 1905: Philipp Lenard 1906: J. J. Thomson 1907: Albert A. Michelson 1908: ...
Aarhus http://www.odaa.dk/ International Regional Alabama http://open.alabama.gov/ US State Alaska http://dggs.alaska.gov/pubs/series/dggs/digital-data-series US State Alaska GIS https://gis.data.alaska.gov/ US State Alberta https://open.alberta.ca/opendata International ...
Six things you should keep in mind when writing a review article Key take-aways from Researcher Academy’s latest webinar By My Pham July 19, 2019 Writing a review article is about more than seizing on an interesting topic and gathering the relevant references. It is a ...
今天检索文献,无意发现的消息。向科学伟人致敬。 http://www.creativedecisions.org/about/ThomasLSaaty.php Thomas L. Saaty (1926 - 2017) Distinguished Professor Thomas Saaty died on the 14th of August 2017 after a year-long battle against cancer. He made an unprecedented impact on the decision ...