
李杰 2024-7-31 20:30
Налимов В.В. Количественные методы исследования процесса развития науки. Вопросы философии, 1966, №12, с.38-47. Nalimov, V.V. Kolichestvennye metody issledovaniya protsesa razvitiya nauki (Quantitative metho ...
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热度 1 李杰 2024-7-20 14:43
李杰 著. 科学计量学导论 . 北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社. 2025. 《科学计量学导论》学者推荐语 Ronald Rousseau(ISSI前主席、普赖斯奖获得者) Science, the study of its principles as studied through the science of science, and the metrics used to measure scientific activity ar ...
个人分类: 文献备份|1496 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
李杰 2024-3-25 11:12
Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? 注释:上述诗句节选自 The Rock 《磐石》 (1934) ,作者为 T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) ,因 “ 对当代诗歌作出的卓越先锋贡献 ...
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The Rock-DIKW
李杰 2024-3-7 09:58
The Rock …… The endless cycle of idea and action, Endless invention, endless experiment, Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness; Knowledge of speech, but not of silence; Knowledge of words, and ignorance of the Word. All our knowledge brings us neare ...
个人分类: 文献备份|1201 次阅读|没有评论
诺贝尔物理学奖 1901-2022
李杰 2023-8-3 12:52
All the Nobel Laureates in Physics from 1901-2022 🏅📑 1901: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen 1902: Hendrik Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman 1903: Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie 1904: Lord Rayleigh 1905: Philipp Lenard 1906: J. J. Thomson 1907: Albert A. Michelson 1908: ...
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[转载]Forgotten founder of bibliometrics
李杰 2023-8-1 10:16
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Open data网址
李杰 2023-7-24 16:45
Aarhus http://www.odaa.dk/ International Regional Alabama http://open.alabama.gov/ US State Alaska http://dggs.alaska.gov/pubs/series/dggs/digital-data-series US State Alaska GIS https://gis.data.alaska.gov/ US State Alberta https://open.alberta.ca/opendata International ...
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李杰 2021-11-14 10:26
http://opensimulator.org/ Presentation by Grady Booch at Opensimulator Community Conference 2013
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[转载]Six things you should keep in mind when writing a review art
李杰 2019-8-9 21:56
Six things you should keep in mind when writing a review article Key take-aways from Researcher Academy’s latest webinar By My Pham July 19, 2019 Writing a review article is about more than seizing on an interesting topic and gathering the relevant references. It is a ...
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李杰 2018-7-7 11:53
今天检索文献,无意发现的消息。向科学伟人致敬。 http://www.creativedecisions.org/about/ThomasLSaaty.php Thomas L. Saaty (1926 - 2017) Distinguished Professor Thomas Saaty died on the 14th of August 2017 after a year-long battle against cancer. He made an unprecedented impact on the decision ...
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