

[文献阅读] 值得一读的文献
2011-4-17 11:56
2011.0417.1156 Data is More 2011.0417.1156 Evolving Self-Reference: Matter, Symbols, and Semantic Closure 2011.0507.2230 NeuroScience - Exploring the Brain ,third edition, Mark F. Bear et al. 2011.0813.1256 A Dynamic Approach to Context Modeling, Boicho Kokinov 2012.0118.1441 On Intelligence, J ...
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2010-11-6 19:21
2010.1106.1833 关于Jill H. Larkin和H. A. Simon合作的论文 "为什么(有时)一图值万词"的阅读笔记。 Simon 是CMU那个研究心理学,AI和经济的前辈。 (1)这篇文章没有解释清楚为什么“一图值万词”。 (2)试图说明图示方式有助于检索,但没有算法,也没有证明(这可能与作者的心理学研究背景有关)。相关的算法见HintsNet. ...
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文献阅读:Auditing Personal Information Management
2010-9-29 23:14
Gregory, M.R. Norbis, M. (2009a) 'Auditing Personal Information Management'. Paper presented at the UKAIS 2009 conference, St. Anne's College, Oxford in April 2009. 1)主要内容是探讨个人信息的分类、搜索、提取、存储。注意这里的个人信息泛指各种与个人活动有关的信息 2)具有ubiquity特性的PIM 3)这 ...
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文献阅读:The Business of Personal Knowledge
2010-9-29 22:12
Gregory, M.R. Norbis, M. (2008b) 'The business of personal knowledge.' Paper given at the 8th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, at the Cambridge University, United Kingdom between 2008/08/05 and 2008/08/08. 这篇文章组织了很多内容,是介绍PIM与其相关技术 ...
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2010-9-27 00:45 1)欧洲下一代Linked Open Data计划。 2)LOD2是一个四年计划,由莱比锡大学的AKSW研究组协调 3)研究语义网的几个常见机构都有参与 4)提出将Web of LOD转变成CGKS(Coherent Global Knowledge Space) 5)期望最终能出如下结果: 5-1)发布LD的企业 ...
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文献阅读:No Knowledge but through information
2010-9-26 21:24
William Jones:No Knowledge but through information 1)William Jones认为没有所谓的知识,知识就是信息; 2)知识是信息的子集。 3)Information is a thing; knowledge is not. 4) 信息通过数据而得到管理。 5)Finding:From need to information 6) Keeping: From information to need 7) ...
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文献阅读:Lifetracing 1. Platforms for Presenting the Self Online
2010-9-26 01:13 将个人的内容通过如下途径网络化 (所谓self online) 1)个人主页 2)博客 3)社会网络中的profile 4)Lifestream,奇怪的是,它没有提到微软的MyLifeBits项目。
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文献阅读:Collaboration and end-user information management tools
2010-9-25 23:34
阅读文献Collaboration and end-user information management tools 的笔记: 1)IM - information management, PIM - personal IM, GIM - group IM 2)合作和虚拟团队 3)将数据迁移至Web,基于Web应用的PIM 4)云计算 5)建造 ...
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