今天OE刚出来的论文。自组装微球阵列经常被人诟病不结实,一擦就掉了。这篇文章里它终于擦不掉了,因为神奇的原子层沉积技术ALD共型制备的TiO2层,让下面的小球们都老实了。本来就为了这个目的制备的,然而测试结果却显示了高得多的提取效率,有点让我喜出望外。赶紧把问题搞清楚,写文章,投稿APL,直接被编辑拒了,回头看看Cover letter,原来过分强调了样品结实,编辑可不喜欢这样缺乏物理内涵的雕虫小技。算了这次不和编辑纠缠了,改投OE。
Improvement of light extraction of LYSO scintillator by using a combination of selfassembly
of nanospheres and atomic layer deposition
Zhichao Zhu, Bo Liu,* Haifeng Zhang, Weina Ren, Chuanwei Cheng, Shuang Wu, Mu Gu, and Hong Chen
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Special Artificial Microstructure Materials and Technology, School of Physics Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Optics Express 23(6) (2015) 7085-7093
2015_OE_Improvement of light extraction of LYSO scintillator by using a combination.pdf
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