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Müller's advice
2013-8-30 15:03
We are very happy to have Prof. Klaus Müller-Dethlefs to give us a great report on Non-covalent interactions studied by mass-resolved ZEKE spectroscopy: the future . He is a gentleman with a very positive attitude towards the life and has great sense of ...
个人分类: conference|2738 次阅读|没有评论
2012-8-25 18:32
A 劳心者治人,劳力者治于人 中国传统重文轻武 没有让儿童闯天下的习惯 B中国物理工作者不喜欢走极端 中庸之道 务实 摸着石头过河 韧性(不断修改) 这导致一种不讲大道理,不追求准确的思维 C“尊老敬贤”传统在中国存在有利有弊 弊端:博导制度,限制年轻的好的物理学者实现自己的想法 D成功打 ...
个人分类: conference|4556 次阅读|没有评论

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