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Postgraduate School of Industrial Ecology II
2010-2-18 08:40
Summer School, Trondheim, 9 August - 3 September 2010 Postgraduate School of Industrial Ecology II Our summer school offers a series of PhD courses in industrial ecology. The courses in 2010 address sustainable consumption and life-cycle assessment/environmental systems analysis . Th ...
个人分类: 广而告之|4185 次阅读|没有评论
2010 ISIE Asia-Pacific Meeting and ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting inTokyo
2010-2-8 13:45
Dear ISIE members, We are pleased to announce two jointly organized meetings of International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) in Tokyo in November 2010. ISIE Asia-Pacific Meeting Strengthening industrial ecology for the Asia-Pacific region ISIE MFA-ConAccount Mee ...
个人分类: 广而告之|4727 次阅读|1 个评论
2008-11-29 17:45
第五届工业生态学国际大会将在里斯本于09年6月21-24日召开。 论文截至日期临近,在12月12日。 http://isie2009.com/ 专题如下,其它可以参见上述网址。 会议只接受摘要,不接收全文。目的是让更多人参会。 前两届一般在400人左右。 1 - Sustainable Consumption Moving towards sustainable cons ...
个人分类: 广而告之|4061 次阅读|1 个评论
2008-5-4 16:57
清华大学 环境环境科学与工程系 国家环境保护生态工业重点实验室 招聘工业生态学博士后1~2名 ...
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JIE - Call for Papers: Applications of Material Flow Analysis
2008-4-12 23:32
Call for Papers: Applications of Material Flow Analysis EPA's National Center for Environmental Research (NCER) is cosponsoring a special issue of the Journal of Industrial Ecology on Applications of Material Flow Analysis (MFA). Material flow analysis (MFA), the tracking and analysis of materials ...
个人分类: 广而告之|4020 次阅读|没有评论
the Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology 2008
2008-4-12 23:30
Dear Colleague, I write to invite you to the Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology, Transforming the Use of Energy, Materials, Water and Wastes . It will be held August 17-22, 2008 at Colby-Sawyer College in New London , New Hampshire , USA .&nb ...
个人分类: 广而告之|4279 次阅读|没有评论
2008-4-11 08:28
职位名称 研究助理(国家环境保护生态工业重点实验室清华环境工业生态学研究组) 职位性质 ...
个人分类: 广而告之|4087 次阅读|没有评论

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