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下月中旬在北京举办的PLDI 2012没有一篇中国的论文!

已有 5736 次阅读 2012-5-29 21:54 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:观点评述| 论文, 中国, 文章, 课程


List of Accepted Papers 论文收录

Compiling a High-Level Language for GPUs (via Language Support for Architectures and Compilers)
Christophe Dubach12, Perry Cheng1, Rodric Rabbah1, David F. Bacon1, Stephen Fink1
1IBM, 2University of Edinburgh

Synchronising C/C++ and POWER
Susmit Sarkar1, Mark Batty1, Scott Owens1, Kayvan Memarian1, Peter Sewell1, Luc Maranget2, Jade Alglave3, Derek Williams4
1University of Cambridge, 2INRIA, 3University of Oxford, 4IBM

Static Analysis and Compiler Implementation of Idempotent Processing
Marc Kruijf, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam, Somesh Jha
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Adaptive Input-aware Compilation for Graphics Engines
Mehrzad Samadi1, Amir Hormati2, Mojtaba Mehrara1, Scott Mahlke1
1University of Michigan, 2Microsoft Corporation

Automated Error Diagnosis Using Abductive Inference
Isil Dillig1, Thomas Dillig1, Alex Aiken2
1College of William & Mary, 2Stanford University

Multicore Acceleration of Priority-Based Schedulers for Concurrency Bug Detection
Santosh Nagarakatte1, Sebastian Burckhardt2, Milo M K Martin1, Madanlal Musuvathi2
1University of Pennsylvania, 2Microsoft Research

RockSalt: Better, Faster, Stronger SFI for the x86
Greg Morrisett1, Gang Tan2, Joseph Tassarotti1, Jean-Baptiste Tristan1, Edward Gan1
1Harvard University, 2Lehigh University

Fast and Precise Hybrid Type Inference for JavaScript
Brian Hackett1, Shu-yu Guo2
1Mozilla Corporation, 2University of California, Los Angeles

Fully Automatic and Precise Detection of Thread Safety Violations
Michael Pradel, Thomas Gross
ETH Zurich

The Implicit Calculus: A New Foundation for Generic Programming
Bruno Oliveira1, Tom Schrijvers2, Wontae Choi1, Wonchan Lee1, Kwangkeun Yi1
1Seoul National University, 2Universiteit Gent

Sound and Precise Analysis of Multithreaded Programs through Schedule Specialization
Jingyue Wu, Yang Tang, Gang Hu, Heming Cui, Junfeng Yang
Columbia University

Effective Parallelization of Loops in the Presence of I/O Operations
Min Feng, Rajiv Gupta, Iulian Neamtiu
University of California, Riverside

Input-Sensitive Profiling
Emilio Coppa, Camil Demetrescu, Irene Finocchi
Sapienza University of Rome

Type-Directed Completion of Partial Expressions
Daniel Perelman1, Sumit Gulwani2, Tom Ball2, Dan Grossman1
1University of Washington, 2Microsoft Research Redmond

Synthesising graphics card programs from DSLs
Luke Cartey, Rune Lyngsø, Oege Moor
University of Oxford

Reasoning about Relaxed Programs
Michael Carbin, Deokhwan Kim, Sasa Misailovic, Martin C. Rinard
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Parallelizing Top-Down Interprocedural Analyses
Aws Albarghouthi1, Rahul Kumar2, Aditya Nori3, Sriram Rajamani3
1University of Toronto, 2Microsoft Corporation, 3Microsoft Research India

Concurrent Data Representation Synthesis
Peter Hawkins1, Alex Aiken1, Kathleen Fisher2, Martin Rinard3, Mooly Sagiv4
1Stanford University, 2Tufts University, 3MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 4Tel-Aviv University

Diderot: A Parallel DSL for Image Analysis and Visualization
Charisee Chiw, Gordon Kindlmann, John Reppy, Lamont Samuels, Nick Seltzer
University of Chicago

A Dynamic Program Analysis to find Floating-Point Accuracy Problems
Florian Benz1, Sebastian Hack1, Andreas Hildebrandt2
1Saarland University, 2Johannes-Gutenberg UniversitÄt Mainz

Self-Stabilizing Java
Yong hun Eom, Brian Demsky
University of California, Irvine

Race Detection for Web Applications
Boris Petrov1, Martin Vechev2, Manu Sridharan3, Julian Dolby3
1Sofia University, 2ETH Zurich, 3IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Engage: A Deployment Management System
Jeffrey Fischer1, Rupak Majumdar2, Shahram Esmaeilsabzali2
1Genforma Corp., 2MPI-SWS

Understanding and Detecting Real-World Performance Bugs
Guoliang Jin1, Linhai Song1, Xiaoming Shi1, Joel Scherpelz2, Shan Lu1
1University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2Nvidia

And Then There Were None: A Stall-Free Real-Time Garbage Collector for Reconfigurable Hardware
David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng, Sunil Shukla
IBM Research

Polyhedra Scanning Revisited
Chun Chen
University of Utah

Dynamic Trace-Based Analysis of Vectorization Potential of Applications
Justin Holewinski, Ragavendar Ramamurthi, Naznin Fauzia, Mahesh Ravishankar, Louis-Noel Pouchet, Atanas Rountev, P. Sadayappan
Ohio State University

Automated Synthesis of Symbolic Instruction Encodings from I/O Samples
Patrice Godefroid1, Ankur Taly2
1Microsoft Research, 2Stanford University

Parcae: A System for Flexible Parallel Execution
Arun Raman1, Ayal Zaks2, Jae W. Lee 3, David I. August1
1Princeton University, 2Intel Corporation, 3Sungkyunkwan University

Dynamic Synthesis for Relaxed Memory Models
Feng Liu1, Nayden Nedev1, Nedyalko Prisadnikov2, Martin Vechev3, Eran Yahav4
1Princeton University, 2Sofia University, 3ETH Zurich, 4Technion

Language-Based Control and Mitigation of Timing Channels
Danfeng Zhang, Aslan Askarov, Andrew Myers
Cornell University

A Compiler Framework for Extracting Superword Level Parallelism
Jun Liu, Yuanrui Zhang, Ohyoung Jang, Wei Ding, Mahmut Kandemir
The Pennsylvania State University

Algorithmic Profiling
Dmitrijs Zaparanuks, Matthias Hauswirth
University of Lugano

Reagents: Expressing and Composing Fine-grained Concurrency
Aaron Turon
Northeastern University

Janus: Exploiting Parallelism via Hindsight
Omer Tripp1, Roman Manevich2, John Field3, Mooly Sagiv1
1Tel Aviv University, 2The University of Texas at Austin, 3Google

Deterministic Parallelism via Liquid Effects
Ming Kawaguchi, Patrick Rondon, Alexander Bakst, Ranjit Jhala
UC San Diego

Chimera: Hybrid Program Analysis for Determinism
Dongyoon Lee, Peter Chen, Jason Flinn, Satish Narayanasamy
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Scalable and Precise Dynamic Datarace Detection for Structured Parallelism
Raghavan Raman1, Jisheng Zhao1, Vivek Sarkar1, Martin Vechev2, Eran Yahav3
1Rice University, 2ETH Zurich, 3Technion

Synthesizing Software Verifiers from Proof Rules
Sergey Grebenshchikov1, Nuno Lopes2, Corneliu Popeea1, Andrey Rybalchenko1
1Technical University Munich, 2INESC-ID / IST - TU Lisbon

Speculative Separation for Privatization and Reductions
Nick P. Johnson1, Hanjun Kim1, Prakash Prabhu1, Ayal Zaks 2, David I. August1
1Princeton University, 2Intel Corporation

SuperC: Parsing All of C by Taming the Preprocessor
Paul Gazzillo, Robert Grimm
New York University

Type-Directed Automatic Incrementalization
Yan Chen, Joshua Dunfield, Umut A. Acar
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems

Efficient State Merging in Symbolic Execution
Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Johannes Kinder, Stefan Bucur, George Candea

Design and Implementation of Sparse Global Analyses for C-like Languages
Hakjoo Oh, Kihong Heo, Wonchan Lee, Woosuk Lee, Kwangkeun Yi
Seoul National University

Test-Case Reduction for C Compiler Bugs
John Regehr1, Yang Chen1, Pascal Cuoq2, Eric Eide1, Chucky Ellison3, Xuejun Yang4
1University of Utah, 2CEA LIST, 3University of Illinois, 4Microsoft

Logical Inference Techniques for Loop Parallelization
Cosmin E. Oancea, Lawrence Rauchwerger
Texas A&M University

Speculative Linearizability
Rachid Guerraoui, Viktor Kuncak, Giuliano Losa

Verifying GPU Kernels by Test Amplification
Alan Leung, Manish Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh Gupta, Ranjit Jhala, Sorin Lerner
University of California, San Diego


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