《参考消息》3月3日第8版 《滥施化肥加剧中国氮污染》“中国农业大学的研究人员分析了全国各地的数据后发现,1980年到2010年间,沉降到周围环境中的氮每公顷每年增加8000克。”(http://china.cankaoxiaoxi.com/2013/0303/172713.shtml;官方网站报道内容和印刷版的2013-03-03(8)内容还有些出入)
乖乖隆的冬,一年增加8千克 30年增加240千克!?一公顷15亩 那么就是1980-2010年间 每亩增加了16千克氮肥?好像有些太高了吧。再一看来源,美国《科学美国人》网站2月27日报道;而且是《自然》杂志最近发表的研究报告,而且是中国农业大学的研究成果。
好奇了一小下,终于找到了《科学美国人》网站的报道(2月20日,不是27日),原文片段“By analyzing data from 270 monitoring sites around the country, Zhang and his colleagues found that the amount of nitrogen deposition, as measured in precipitation, had increased by 60% — or 8 kilograms per hectare per year — between 1980 and 2010. The study is published in Nature today.”(http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=nitrogen-pollution-soars-in-china)
再找了一下《自然》的原文片段“Here we use nationwide data sets on bulk N deposition, plant foliar N and crop N uptake (from long-term unfertilized soils) to evaluate N deposition dynamics and their effect on ecosystems across China between 1980 and 2010. We find that the average annual bulk deposition of N increased by approximately 8 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare (P < 0.001) between the 1980s (13.2 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare) and the 2000s (21.1 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare).”(http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v494/n7438/full/nature11917.html)
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