教授实在是太谨慎了只有当别的科学家已经发表了与我们实验同样的结果后他才肯相信我们的数据 每天一段,科研人的大幽默: “Our thesis advisor was Peter Heitmann, a capable chemist, who unfortunately was overly cautious, as he believed results from his group only after they had been published by others ...
转自美国光生物学会网页: https://photobiology.org/obituary-professor-robert-s-h-liu-1938-2024/ Professor Robert S.H. Liu (1938-2024) Robert Liu曾经说:“我不太善于在热点领域开展工作。但是愿意在他人不太感兴趣的领域,开展系统工作”。Robert Liu在主流期刊发表了240 多 ...
Charles J. Gomer: PDT and Beyond By: David Kessel* and Tayyaba Hasan** ABSTRACT Charles (Chuck) Gomer was one of the early investigators involved in ‘the rebirth’ of photodynamic therapy (PDT), as a graduate student working in the laboratory of Tom Daugherty in Buffalo. H ...
研究发现,在小鼠皮层切片中 L5 椎体神经元,在 Na v 1.2 通道被部分抑制后,动作电位变宽。这是因为 Na v 1.2 具有一定的钙离子通透性。 Na v 1.2 被抑制 30% 后,在复极化时相的初期,通过 Na v 1.2 的钙内流减少,这样 BK 通道的激活减少,复极化速率减慢从而时程增加,最终导致动作电位变宽。动作电位的去极化时程由 ...