祁连踏雪 阳关揽月 扬鞭踏马胭脂山 踩沙逐浪黑河岸 分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/shenxzh


GMT-Note 基本参数详细说明
2015-6-13 01:09
控制经纬度标示中是否带N或者W PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT = ddd:mm:ss 不带N或者W PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT = ddd:mm:ssF 带N或者W 是否带轨道边框 BASEMAP_TYPE = plain 无边框轨道 BASEMAP_TYPE = fancy 有边框轨道 绘图介 ...
个人分类: Shell scripts|5165 次阅读|没有评论
Convert the string to number and compare
2012-2-1 15:19
Use bc $ echo "0.8 0.7" | bc 1 $ echo "0.8 0.7" | bc 0 $ echo ".08 0.7" | bc 0 use awk x = "0.80" y = "0.70" result = $ ( awk - vx = $x - vy = $y 'BEGIN{ print x=y?1:0}' ) if ; then echo ...
个人分类: Shell scripts|2495 次阅读|没有评论
check the existance of a directory in a bash shell
2012-2-1 15:18
To check if a directory exists in a bash shell script you can use the following: if ; then # Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY exists fi Or to check if a directory doesn't exist: if ; then # Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY doesn't exist fi if ; then i ...
个人分类: Shell scripts|2761 次阅读|没有评论

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