《镜子大全》《朝华午拾》分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liwei999 曾任红小兵,插队修地球,1991年去国离乡,不知行止。



已有 4689 次阅读 2015-11-20 09:45 |个人分类:立委科普|系统分类:科研笔记| center, 乔姆斯基, recursion, 中递归

白: 伟哥看过来,你的中递归

QJ: 咋了,堆栈溢出了?

雷: 呵呵,一山一寺酒一壶,三层。

我: 还真有这么狗血的不是人话的东西存在。服了我党苏州委员会。

另,再看里面的括号的中递归形式:《 ..<...<...《...》...>...>...》,凭什么这样用括号呢?双单单双......。如果双单都用,应该是交错而行,否则索性一双到底或者一单到底。

wiki 上给的英文中递归(center recursion)的狗血例子是:

A man that a woman loves
A man that a woman that a child knows loves
A man that a woman that a child that a bird saw knows loves
A man that a woman that a child that a bird that I heard saw knows loves

An interesting theoretical point is that sentences with multiple center embedding are grammatical, but unacceptable. Such examples are behind Noam Chomsky's comment that, “Languages are not 'designed for parsability' … we may say that languages, as such, are not usable.” (Chomsky, 1991)

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_embedding

乔老爷的狗屁 grammatical 论,unacceptable 还 grammatical,如此信口开河,也只有乔老爷这样的人神才敢了。还有这个 languages are not designed for parsability 的论点,直接与语言的交际通讯本质相抵触。

The linguist Fred Karlsson provided empirical evidence in 2007 that the maximal degree of multiple center-embedding of clauses is exactly 3 in written language. He provided thirteen genuine examples of this type from various Indo-European languages (Danish, English, German, Latin, Swedish). No real examples of degree 4 have been recorded. In spoken language, multiple center-embeddings even of degree 2 are so rare as to be practically non-existing (Karlsson 2007).

也就是说,这种东西统计上是不存在的。是臆想出来的语言学问题,然后把整个 parsing community 给绕进去。雷司令为此搭进去好几年时光,试图去求解它,终于发现只要有中递归就不存在线性算法。

白: 去掉中递归,计算复杂性从接近立方级一下子变成了线性。吃水不忘挖井人啊……

云:  不过计算机语言里这种递归比比皆是啊,尤其是 recursive decedent parser。

白: 人的短时记忆不允许。



雷: 不怕一万,就怕万一,冷不丁的来

白: 嗯,那就反刍呗。in memory不要搞


还有一个狗血的语言学问题,也是乔老爷造的孽:所谓 binding theory。本来是语言中很小的一个现象,结果被无限夸大,引发了无数论文和论战。由 Binding theory 的三条原则而来的有那么点实践意义的规则,我15年前指导一个实习生,用了不到两个小时就实现并调试完成,后来一直没遇到什么有统计意义的挑战。



科学网—Chomsky's Negative Impact



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