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Pleas from Astronomers to Save the Night Sky
2010-10-4 11:45
Pleas from Astronomers to Save the Night Sky By staff reporter Cao Haili 08.25.2010 Scientists are bristling at a planned theme park that could worsen light pollution over China's most important telescope Agitating an astronomer is easy: Just flip a light switch. Arti ...
个人分类: English articles|4714 次阅读|没有评论
Their own worst enemy
2010-9-9 23:18
Their own worst enemy September 07, 2010 ChinaDialogue Zijin Minings environmental disasters have overshadowed the firm's meteoric rise. When polluting companies and the officials who protect them will realise the value of proper supervision? In its previous ...
个人分类: English articles|4255 次阅读|没有评论
The Fabricated High-Tech Boom
2010-8-11 09:06
The Fabricated High-Tech Boom By staff reporter Zhou Qiong and intern reporter Yang Aili Century Weekly, Caixin Media 08.10.2010 11:17 How tax incentives for high-tech companies have helped forge a massive industry in application processing In order to promote tec ...
个人分类: English articles|4810 次阅读|没有评论
Lead Poisoning Cases Stonewalled
2010-7-2 20:45
Lead Poisoning Cases Stonewalled What forces are holding up the filing of cases on environmental health? By staff reporter Li Hujun 07.02.2010 11:49 Cao Xiaoying, a resident of Jiahe County in rural Hunan, has given birth to four children, all of whom have above-norm ...
个人分类: English articles|3505 次阅读|没有评论

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