行,而尚学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/dxd 闲话理论生物学


2015-10-25 18:39
几年前我在这里写过一篇 博客 ,讲的是如何从比赛结果倒推比赛规则。这是一个典型的从数据当中揭示规律的问题。现在学了一些新的东西,对之前这个问题又有了新的认识。 主要是学到了“人工神经网络(artificial neural network)” 这个东西,了解到它可以“重现”大多数的函数。当然,多数是连续函数。那么它对不连续 ...
5575 次阅读|没有评论
Learning NetLogo: Note 01
2012-11-29 23:22
Requirements: 1)the number of individuals in a population is set to be fixed at N across generations; 2) the number of carriers of the i -th genotype is set to be a variable N i ; 3)N i may change over generations depending on the fitness of the the i -th genotype while N remains fixed. Ways of ...
个人分类: uncategorized|5069 次阅读|没有评论
Disputation on evol-cancer research 02
2012-11-19 23:58
A common issue that many evol-cancer researchers are focusing on is the effect of micro-environment on cells when talking about competition among somatic cells and their strategies, but I don't think it's the most essential one to be emphasized. An intuitive argument is, if a bunch/lineage of soma ...
4811 次阅读|没有评论
Disputation on evolutionary cancer research 01
2012-11-15 21:34
Just saw a website, Inside Cancer , with lessons on various aspects of cancer, where there is one on Evolution and Cancer . It's said that one of the Common Misconceptions is that " Students may recognize that cancer involves uncontrolled cell division, but they rarely understand that cancer c ...
4799 次阅读|没有评论
2012-11-14 11:18
本来不准备在这个博客上谈学术以外的事情,不过发现上面的“记录”所能记录的东西实在太少。 有些人有本事,有见地,有他自己的成功之道,并且过着世人皆醉我独醒的日子。但是他们不懂得体谅别人的难处,不懂得并不是所有人都像他们自己一样。 一个人可以清高,但不能要求别人都跟他一样清高。 大家都还是要挣钱,吃饭, ...
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My current knowledge/ideas in evolutionary cancer research
2012-10-20 17:28
It just sounds natural that a bunch of somatic cells in a multi-cellular body can be viewed as a population while evolutionary/ecological theories can be used to look into the population dynamics of these cells, and it sounds tempting that theoretical works my find their application in cance ...
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Before making use of evolutionary theories
2012-10-11 11:21
When making preparation for an interview, I asked a few questions to myself. I couldn't answer them very well, but just tried to give some comments. 1. The first question is what 'evolutionary theories' really mean. I could only answer this question based on what I have learned. Certainly my favori ...
个人分类: thoughts|4518 次阅读|没有评论
High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis 在谱系地理学中的应用
2012-7-12 17:14
本人第一篇以第一作者发表的学术论文,刚刚公布于Molecular Ecology Resources的预览版上,谈的是 High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis 这一工具可以在谱系地理学(phylogeography,或译作亲缘地理学/系统发生生物地理学)研究中用于检测未知的单倍型(haplotype)。( 9月12日注:正式版已经发布在9月刊出的 Volume 12, ...
6265 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 2012-6-16 06:23
本次欧洲杯小组赛出线规则如下:    小组赛积分相同的球队的排名方式按照以下顺序进行:   a.球队之间的胜负关系(三球队积分相同时则通过这些球队交战的总积分判定)   b.球队之间的净胜球数(在两支以上球队处于同分的情况下)   c.球队之间的总进球数(在两支以上球队处于同分 ...
个人分类: thoughts|8511 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 2
推荐阅读:关于Human Microbiome
2012-6-8 17:50
这期的Science 专门介绍了 Human Microbiome (或Human Microbiota,可以理解为人体微生物群)领域的最新进展。期刊自己的介绍见 这里 。我个人比较想读的是两篇综述,一篇是 Host-Gut Microbiota Metabolic Interactions ,另一篇是The Application of Ecological Theory Toward an Understanding of the ...
个人分类: comments|6911 次阅读|没有评论

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