Requirements: 1)the number of individuals in a population is set to be fixed at N across generations; 2) the number of carriers of the i -th genotype is set to be a variable N i ; 3)N i may change over generations depending on the fitness of the the i -th genotype while N remains fixed. Ways of ...
A common issue that many evol-cancer researchers are focusing on is the effect of micro-environment on cells when talking about competition among somatic cells and their strategies, but I don't think it's the most essential one to be emphasized. An intuitive argument is, if a bunch/lineage of soma ...
Just saw a website, Inside Cancer , with lessons on various aspects of cancer, where there is one on Evolution and Cancer . It's said that one of the Common Misconceptions is that " Students may recognize that cancer involves uncontrolled cell division, but they rarely understand that cancer c ...
It just sounds natural that a bunch of somatic cells in a multi-cellular body can be viewed as a population while evolutionary/ecological theories can be used to look into the population dynamics of these cells, and it sounds tempting that theoretical works my find their application in cance ...
When making preparation for an interview, I asked a few questions to myself. I couldn't answer them very well, but just tried to give some comments. 1. The first question is what 'evolutionary theories' really mean. I could only answer this question based on what I have learned. Certainly my favori ...
这期的Science 专门介绍了 Human Microbiome (或Human Microbiota,可以理解为人体微生物群)领域的最新进展。期刊自己的介绍见 这里 。我个人比较想读的是两篇综述,一篇是 Host-Gut Microbiota Metabolic Interactions ,另一篇是The Application of Ecological Theory Toward an Understanding of the ...