
Learning NetLogo: Note 01
党晓栋 2012-11-29 23:22
Requirements: 1)the number of individuals in a population is set to be fixed at N across generations; 2) the number of carriers of the i -th genotype is set to be a variable N i ; 3)N i may change over generations depending on the fitness of the the i -th genotype while N remains fixed. Ways of ...
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proximate cause 和 ultimate cause: 近因,远因,终极因?
党晓栋 2012-5-20 06:16
Proximate cause 和 ultimate cause,字面上可译为“近因”和“终极因”,最近带实验课的时候才接触到。其实当年自己也学过相关的概念,但没有记住这两个名词。 在生物学中谈到某个性状出现的原因时,“近因”一般指此时此刻环境、生理、生化等层次上的直接原因。例如问,亲鸟为什么给幼鸟喂食?这时可以回答:因为幼鸟张 ...
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