天道酬勤-许亮的博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/alvinlxu 研究领域:气动光学,图像处理,光学信息处理



已有 8718 次阅读 2010-12-29 20:23 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它| 照片, 夜景, 北京, 天津

为方便对照,再贴一张google earth截图,与夜景图类似,也取斜视角。 
City Lights
This striking photograph features two of China’s most populous cities--Beijing and Tianjin--both located in the northern part of the country near the Bohai Gulf. The United Nations estimated 2010 population for the Beijing metropolitan area is approximately 12 million, with the population of the Tianjin metropolitan area estimated to be over 7 million.
Taken at night time by the Expedition 26 crew, the image dramatically illustrates the extent of both metropolitan areas. The smaller city of Langfang, located midway between Beijing and Tianjin, also is clearly visible, as are several other smaller developed areas to the northeast. The dark regions surrounding the well-lit urban areas are mainly agricultural fields, with wheat and corn being the major crops. Beijing is one of the recognized ancient capital cities--and the current capital--of the People’s Republic of China. The regular grid pattern of the city is clearly visible at lower upper right; concentric rings of major roadways around the city center have been added as the metropolitan area has expanded. Tianjin is a major trade center with connection to seaports on the Bohai Gulf. The city was established following the integration of the Grand Canal of China, a major artificial waterway extending from Beijing southwards to Hangzhou.
Image Credit: NASA


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4 张彦斌 许浚远 杨正瓴 李学宽

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