Nuclear Science and Techniques分享 NST报道核科学与技术研究领域的科学发现、技术创新和重要成果


Open Seminar in Frontier of Nuclear Physics(No.33)

已有 1605 次阅读 2022-12-6 10:09 |系统分类:论文交流

主题:Coherent light interacting with nuclei: from ultraviolet to gamma rays

报告人:Adriana Pálffy 教授   德国University of Würzburg


报告时间:2022127(周三) 21:00 (北京时间)

报告地点: Zoom Meeting ID: 637 3254 6749  Password: 554991



In the past decades, the interaction of optical coherent light (laser) with atoms and molecules has revolutionized atomic physics. Nuclear systems proved to be less easy to tame due to the partial lack of coherent sources for the frequency regime of interest and their weaker coupling to the radiation field. However, appealing potential applications in coherent light interacting with nuclei exist along a broad range of parameters, from vacuum ultraviolet radiation to gamma rays. Three examples covering this range are addressed. The talk will introduce current efforts to develop a novel ultra-precise clock based on a nuclear transition in 229Th driven with a vacuum ultraviolet laser. Moving towards higher energies, we show how the cooperative effects occurring when x-ray radiation interacts with nuclei in a crystal lattice offer the possibility to put single x-ray photons on hold. Finally, the formation of compound nuclei in a parameter regime never available so far by coherent MeV photons as the ones envisaged at upcoming petawatt laser facilities is discussed. Such applications speak for the potential that coherent radiation may bring for controlling atomic nuclei.


Adriana Pálffy is a theory professor at the University of Würzburg in Germany. By understanding light-matter interaction at the borderline between atomic, nuclear and quantum physics, she aims at obtaining quantum control over nuclear transitions. Adriana studied physics in Bucharest, Romania, and received her Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany in 2006. She later moved to the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics and became a group leader in 2011. In 2019 she was awarded the Hertha-Sponer-Prize of the German Physical Society and the Röntgen-Prize of the University of Giessen for her work on x-ray quantum optics. Since 2020 she is a Heisenberg Fellow of the German Research Foundation, first at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nueremberg, Germany, and since April 2022 in Würzburg.



复旦大学 核科学与技术系/现代物理研究所

核物理与离子束应用 教育部重点实验室

国家自然科学基金委-理论物理专款 上海核物理理论研究中心



Nuclear Science and Techniques&《核技术》刊物寇享直播

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